I drum my fingers on the steering wheel and try to decide what to do. I can’t waste time. I’ve got to figure out how to get into Viktor’s without being seen.
Just when I decide to open the door to get out of the vehicle, my phone vibrates.
Ipull it out, hoping for an update from Geo, but it’s a number I don’t recognize with a Chicago area code.
Viktor knows I’m here. He’s got to if someone in Chicago is calling me. I debate on not answering it, but I’d rather have any information I can gather than none. I’m on a wild goose chase.
Where are you, Little Bird?
I swipe across the screen and bring the phone to my ear.
“Who is this?” I bark into the phone. My patience is wearing thin.
“Francesca,” comes the tentative reply.
Now, my patience is gone.
“What the fuck do you want?” I say, my fingers drumming on the steering wheel in agitation.
“Don’t hang up. I know I’m probably the last person you want to talk to right now—”
“One of them, yes.”
“But I have information.”
That gets my attention.
“What do you want for it?”
“Nothing. I want to make things right between us.”
“I don’t know that things can be right between us, but tell me what you know.”
“Wryn is here right now. In the sitting room with Viktor. Lilliana saw them and came right to me—”
“Why are you with Lilliana? Get the fuck—”
“Please, let me talk. Your sister is safe. But Wryn is not. Viktor knows you are here. He knows you are alive. You must be careful.”
“What do you suggest I do then, Francesca?” I spit the words into the phone, anger and panic mixing together as I peel out of the parking lot.
“There’s a guard change in twenty minutes. The one that will be on shift is a good guy, and he will let you through. Password isbirds of a feather, and he should sayflock together.If he doesn’t, get out of there.
“Drive through and pull straight toward the garages. I’ll have a distraction going that will pull the guards from that area, and you should be able to make your way to the side door and inside.”
“This sounds like a great way for me to get killed.”
“Do you have any better ideas?”