Page 54 of It Has To Be You

It shouldn’t have even been possible to blush after what they’d just done, but Indy’s cheeks heated anyway.

Then a rogue thought caused her to hide her face as she giggled.

“Care to share with the class?”

She shouldn’t. It was beyond embarrassing. “How good does the sex need to be to earn a sticker?”

Ethan groaned, but a smile played at the corners of his mouth. “Rule number one,” he said, leaning in for a kiss, “no teacher talk while we’re naked.”

“Yes, sir,” Indy teased.

“Don’t,” he warned, but the rough edge in his voice betrayed him.Next time.

When he pulled back and studied her, Indy sobered. Only a week ago, she’d panicked and left, confused and guilty. Because all she’d been able to think about for weeks was Ethan, but the irrational part of her brain had tapped her on the shoulder and poked holes in every argument, until she couldn’t hear her own thoughts above the sound.

But there was no doubt in her mind who she wanted to be with, and she needed to know there was no doubt in Ethan’s either.

“I—” Indy started.

Ethan stopped her, gently placing his thumb over her lips. “Not yet,” he said, leaning in to kiss the corner of her mouth. “Or you’ll worry you rushed. When you say it, I don’t want there to be any doubt.”

“Ethan,” she whispered, overwhelmed by what she felt for him. Her eyes stung as she smiled. “I’m so, so sorry for confusing you. I was in my own way, and—”

“There was too much noise.”

She nodded. He always understood.

Who would have thought they’d end up here?

Somewhere along the way, the path in front of her had shifted, a merger of where she should walk and where she wanted to go, but in the end, it hadn’t mattered. She’d led herself here. Exactly where she was meant to be.

“I need you to know I only want you. Not Nick, not anyone. Not since I met you, to be honest. I just didn’t know it then. I want to bring you lunches and watch the sunset over the city. I want to watch my team beat yours and spend time with our friends and learn everything I can about you. And when I’ve recovered from the best orgasm of my life, I want you to fuck me again.”

The resulting kiss was fierce, and Indy lost time again as Ethan covered her, his thigh sliding between her legs, the weight of him better than any blanket.

When air became scarce, he slowed, rested his forehead against hers.

“Okay?” she whispered.

His smile met hers. “Okay.”

Her feelings for him blustered under her skin, and perhaps with time (and a few helpful edits), Indy would find the perfect words. If her parents had taught her anything, it was that building something lasting took time. And she wanted lasting.

With Ethan, she wantedforever.


Three Months Later

The book was officially done. It still felt surreal after so many months of edits and proofs and middle-of-the-night panic because she’d realized she had never described the color of the amulet or she was suddenly sure the timeline in chapter five didn’t line up with chapter eight.

But the pass pages had been sent back this morning, and now there was nothing left for Indy to do except start planning the next one.

Riley’s adventure was complete.

But Indy’s was only just beginning.

The soft knock of Ethan’s knee against hers made her smile.