Page 44 of It Has To Be You

So why was she so hung up on beingenoughfor him? Why did the thought of it lance through her heart like Cupid’s arrow, making it impossible to be anything but head over heels for him?

For weeks, she’d waited, hoping for inspiration so she could write. Ever since Ethan had come into her life, she could barely keep the words at bay. They multiplied like horny rabbits in her mind, bouncing impatiently at her fingertips, restless. They’d even invaded her dreams.

Damn his silky voice and steadfast calm. How he confidently walked into every room but never talked over anyone. His gentle touches that drowned out the noise in her mind until all she could think was hands and heat and more.

The worst part— and honestly, how could it get worse?— was that the only person she wanted to talk to about it was the man himself.

Credit where credit was due, though. This particular round of “oh god, it’s terrible, I’m terrible, why do I do this to myself?” was entirely her own fault.

If only she hadn’t kissed him.

Ethan was probably writing lesson plans right now. Probably wearing his glasses too. Maybe if she messaged, he would be happy for the break.

She had promised him.

Except the last time they’d talked, she’d kissed him and then run off. She was probably the last person he wanted to hear from right now.

And theonly oneshe wanted.

So, of course, that was when Nick appeared.

No choir singing, no ray of light from above.

Only Nick, sipping a coffee on the other side of the restaurant, oblivious to the turmoil rolling through Indy’s gut.

Beside him sat a couple wrapped up in each other, as if the outside world didn’t exist. The blonde stretched and yawned, while her boyfriend whispered something that made her light up and bury her face in his bright orange sweater. Indy couldn’t look any longer.

Would she ever have that? All-consuming reciprocated passion?

Without thinking, she dialed Ethan’s number. “He’s here. What do I do?”


“Ethan?” Maybe they got cut off.

“Go talk to him.” His voice was flat.

“I can’t do that. What will I even say?”

“Say hello. Knowing Nick, he’ll take it from there.”

Right. Just… say hi. Easy. So why couldn’t she force herself to her feet? This was what she’d been waiting for. All she had to do was get up and walk over. “Where are you right now? Can you come here? I need you.”

Ethan’s breathing was loud in her ear. He was probably gearing himself up to let her down gently. She couldn’t blame him. It wasn’t every day a grown woman needed her hand held to say hello to someone. But they’d spent weeks on this, and now that the opportunity was here, it wasn’t right to take action without him. Besides, he had this… calm about him. And given that the tightness in her chest had only gotten worse since she’d spotted Nick, she needed that comfort.



Most people took one look at Indy and misunderstood her. Whether it was the short platinum hair or her tattoos or the adventure romances. Everyone expected her to be this larger-than-life extrovert rather than someone who wanted to hide in a closet when faced with large social gatherings. Even after she’d been a full-time author for five years, she still panicked when she talked to new people. It was why she was so happy the day Sasha had “adopted” her.

The only other person who hadn’t underestimated her was Ethan, who looked determined as he entered the restaurant and headed straight for her.

“Nick’s gone.”

“What happened?”

“He was over there”— she pointed— “and then he left. I wanted to say something, but I couldn’t.”