Page 38 of It Has To Be You

Entering Ethan’s apartment for the first time reminded her of the moment Riley entered Cleopatra’s tomb.

It was every bookstore she’d ever loved, filled with something new to discover in every corner.

A tub of protein powder sitting on the kitchen counter. Rope, chalk, and what looked like a harness (dear god) spilling out of a duffel by the door. A novelty Santa in a Hawaiian shirt beside a half-finished bottle of gin. More than one game console under the television and a stack of games rivaling her own.

Stationary littered every surface like bobby pins. A sheet of stickers— stars and spaceships and dinosaurs— that she wanted to take home. Whatever task she needed to do to get one, she would. Anything as long as it was rewarded with the pink stegosaurus afterward. She fucking loved stegosauruses.

Evidence of his dedication was everywhere. A bowl of bottle caps by the sink, a magnetized calendar on the fridge, covered in school notes in crisp capitals. Beside them, more drawings.

By the time Ethan— now changed into sweatpants and a loose T-shirt— found her, she had moved to the bookshelves beside the couch, marveling over how organized they were. Colored binders and books with tabs spilling out.

She’d had to open one. Her fascination was too great. It really wasn’t her fault.

“Curious little thing, aren’t you?”

Indy slid the binder back in place. It was easier to keep her eyes trained away from him. He looked too damn good in that outfit. Softer. Touchable. “Thought you knew that by now.”

Even now, she could feel the tingle of his attention on her, zipping down her spine. He commanded attention, even in sweats, and it filled her with a rumbling thrill. It sounded a hell of a lot like the motor on his bike.

“Can’t you—” she started, then flushed. She wanted him to stop. She also never wanted him to look away.

“What?” But he knew exactly what he was doing. He’d been looking at her like that, with his crooked tooth and those hungry eyes, since they’d met. “Have you found anything interesting yet, or should I let you snoop a little more?”

If they carried on like this, she was going to need to research fainting couches. “You have a lot of hobbies,” she said, gesturing to the boxing gloves sitting on the bottom shelf.

“I like trying new things.”

“And how long has it been since you did any of them?”

“My job is important. And time-consuming.” From the sag of his shoulders, Indy guessed he’d had this debate before. Probably with Summer. “If I’m not invested, I’m not just letting myself down. I let every one of those kids down too. They get out what I put in. For some of them, I’m the only one looking out for them.”

“And who looks out for you?”

He raised a brow, teasing. “Are you worried about me, Indy?”

“It’s obvious how much your class adores you.” Likely most of the parents too, if for different reasons. “And if you keep this up, you won’t have anything left to give them. Aren’t you the one always telling me to take a break?”

He shrugged. “That’s different.”

As if that would convince her. Indy was the queen of giving reassurance she never applied to herself. She merely cocked her head in disbelief, which earned her a chuckle.

“You’re as bad as Summer.” He gave her a rueful smile and tilted his head toward the kitchen.

She followed him to where he had unpacked dinner onto two plates set out on the countertop. The only option was to eat on the couch, so Indy took the plates over and sat, watching Ethan curiously when he disappeared for a second time into his room.

“Here,” Ethan said, returning and coaxing Indy out of her jacket. He handed her a large black hooded sweatshirt that she immediately wanted to bury her nose in. “I, uh, haven’t had the opportunity to pick up any blankets, but this is the next best thing.”

His minor stumble was enough to rock Indy’s foundation.Since when did Ethan trip over his words?

Pulling it on was easier than forming a coherent reply, so Indy busied herself and willed her heart to slow. Softness and the smell of Ethan surrounded her. It was official. She’d never want to wear anything else again. Ever.

“Looks good,” he said, his voice rough. “You hungry?”

Indy could only nod.

* * *

“There has to be something that annoys you, and I want the real answer, not the safe one.”