Page 31 of It Has To Be You

“I don’t know what you want me to say.”

“I want you to promise me that you aren’t toying with his feelings. I know he comes across as unflappable, and he’s pretty much useless at being selfish— god forbid he ever tells you what he wants— but he deserves someone who cares about him.”

Indy could only nod. “I agree. Can I ask you something?”


“Is everyone in your family incredibly fit?” Indy joked. “It’s like a pantheon of the gods with you two.”

Summer’s laughter bubbled around them, as warm and inviting as her brother’s. Maybe that was why Indy felt so close to her already. “Oh, I can see why he likes you.”

* * *

“Uh-oh,” Sasha said, stalled at her bedroom door.

The room was dark. Indy had no idea what the time was, but she hadn’t slept, so it was either really late or really early.

Sasha covered her yawn with her hand. “You’re pacing. That can’t be good.”

“I can’t do it. I only have two weeks before my deadline is up. It turns out I can write in great detail about an amulet that is cursed to trap the soul of an immortal warrior, but writing a realistic story about two people falling in love is beyond me.” Indy stopped abruptly and spun to face Sasha. “Oh god, I can see the reviews now. Once-popular author proves she knows nothing about the genre she claims to enjoy. One star.”

Sasha’s hands were gentle on her shoulders, and Indy let herself be led to the couch. “Okay, first, deep breaths.” Once Indy had obeyed, she asked, “Now, do you think you’ll be able to sleep?”

Indy shook her head, counting as she breathed. In, two, three, four. Out. Repeat. Calm.

She could survive this… maybe. As long as the publisher didn’t ask for the advance back. Who knew, maybe the book would bomb so badly people would hate-read it. Sales were sales, right?

“I’d suggest calling Superman, but he’s probably asleep.” Sasha couldn’t stop yawning.

Indy felt awful disrupting her friend’s sleep like this. “It’s okay.” At least, it could be. It might be. “I won’t be able to sleep, but I can play for a while, distract my brain.”

“You’re sure?”

Indy nodded. “Go back to sleep.”

* * *

By the time the sun was up and Sasha was shuffling to the bathroom, Indy hadn’t slept a wink.

And when her phone lit up with a message from Ethan, she remembered that at some point in her game-induced haze, she’d ranted to him.


Indy:You LIAR. I can’t believe I believed you. Oh, Lynels are easy to defeat…

Indy:I burned through my food AND all my weapons AND died, and he barely took damage. I knew there was a reason I was avoiding them.


Ethan:Would pancakes make it up to you? I know a place, and I owe you for lunch.

Indy:No you don’t.

Indy:And what kind of person says no to pancakes? I’ll meet you there.

Ethan:I knew you were perfect.

And therein lay her problem. Because if anyone was perfect, it was Ethan. Except Ethan wasn’t her destiny.