Page 26 of It Has To Be You

Ethan:You’re killing me.

* * *

Just past midnight, Sasha yawned as she threw her keys on the counter. Tonight had been opening night, and her exhaustion showed. “Good day or bad day?”

Indy blinked the cobwebs from her eyes. “Good day.”

Sasha hummed. “You look happy.”

“I am.” Even though she wasn’t any closer to her destiny, it was the truth.

Beside her, Indy’s phone buzzed.

Ethan:Do you have copies of your books on hand I can buy?

Indy:Absolutely, but you aren’t giving me anything. How many copies do you need? I’ll sign them.

Ethan:One, for my sister. And I will be paying you.

Indy smiled. There was no way she was taking his money.

Sasha hummed. “And you’re still interested in Nick?”

“What? Of course.”

Sasha hummed again.

Indy tossed a cushion at her. “Oh, shut up.”


Ethan:Today’s lesson went well.


Ethan:I present to you, five major landforms (attempted).


Indy:Also, that snack bar better not be your lunch. What happened to eating a real meal for a change?

Ethan:Finishing the diorama last night took longer than expected. Didn’t have time to pack a lunch.

Indy:Your lunch period is at noon?

Ethan:You are not bringing me lunch.


(Missed call: Ethan)

Ethan:I’ve told the front office to expect you. Sign in, and they’ll let you through.

* * *

Twenty minutes, a tram ride, and a bus later, Indy arrived at Highbridge Elementary School with two orders of chicken parmigiana and copies of the first four books in the Riley Jones series. She’d signed them on the way over, then immediately regretted it, because what if Ethan’s sister didn’t even like them? Now she’d have to either keep them out of guilt or secretly dump them onto someone else.

Visiting the front office was no less terrifying as an adult. The interrogation started as soon as she was in view, the attendant eyeing Indy with open interest as she approached.