Page 19 of It Has To Be You

He slid closer. She should sue the entire bodywash industry for the incredible scent wafting off him right now.

“You like it.”

And lord help her, she really,reallydid.

She nodded.

“Then you better get used to it, because you’re beautiful when you’re passionate.”

He really needed to stop saying things like that, or she’d forget who she was chasing.

* * *

Ethan groaned, refilling their glasses with the fresh pitcher that had been dropped off. “Of courseyou’re a Rebels fan. And here I was, thinking you were perfect.”

Indy threw her napkin down on her plate and turned in her seat to face Ethan head-on. The lunch rush was long over, and they hadn’t run out of conversation.

“Are you referring to the Chance City Rebels, our reigning national champions? One of the most successful teams in history? Those Rebels? The same team that has beaten the East Coast Lions in over a hundred games?”

“You do hear yourself, don’t you? The Lions are the original Chance team, but Rebels fans seem to forget that in favor of a few wins.”

A few wins?Indy’s jaw dropped. “At least we made the finals in the last decade.”

“By the skin of your teeth.”

“Let’s agree to disagree.”

Ethan barked a laugh. “You can’t admit I’m right, can you?”

“Just admit the Rebels are better and we can move on.”

This only caused him to chuckle. “Never.”

Indy rolled her eyes, turning her head to hide her blush. “Next you’re going to tell me your favorite All-Star is Patrick Ewing.”

Watching him laugh was an experience. The visible wave spread from his smile to his eyes, crashing and rolling forward again with his whole body. She’d always wondered what joy looked like in its pure form.

She now knew.

“Bird, but don’t sleep on Ewing. He had a pretty cool flattop.”

She laughed so hard she would have upended her plate if Ethan hadn’t pulled it out of range.

When she had calmed down, taking several deep breaths and wiping her eyes, he was watching her, shaking his head. “Nick really didn’t do you justice when we were kids. Not that I’m surprised. He’s never appreciated anything he had. But I really wish I’d met you.”

“He talked about me? What did he tell you?”

“Not enough.”

Goose bumps skittered along Indy’s arms.

“This gift you’re returning, you could give it to me. I could pass it on to my aunt. Problem solved.”

She could. It would be the sensible thing. Just hand Ethan the bracelet. The End.

But she didn’t want to.

Indy knew she was a dreamer. Always had been. Princesses in castles, myths, legends, fairy tales. She’d take it any way she could get it.