Page 17 of It Has To Be You

How appropriate.

“So,” he said, “Do you want to fess up now, or eat first?”

Indy sighed. Better to rip the Band-Aid off, since he’d already discovered she was a fraud.

Always had been the broken one. The luck her family possessed had obviously skipped her. Maybe she was born faulty.

In any case, Ethan deserved the truth.

“I’m not Nick’s girlfriend.”

“I knew it.”

“I can explain.”

Their knees were still touching. “I’m all ears as long as it’s the truth.”

“I promise. No more lies.” Indy swallowed. “I should never have said I was Nick’s girlfriend, but you were so suspicious, and I panicked.”

“Why not be honest? I would have been less of an ass.”

This time, she laughed. “I was embarrassed, okay? Hello, random stranger. I dated Nick fifteen years ago, and a psychic told me he was who I was meant to be with. And I just thought I’d check in to see if that was true.”

“You’re single, then.”

A thrill ran through her. “Yes.”

“Good. Let’s start over.” He held his hand out. “Ethan Fraser.”

Hesitantly, Indy slipped her hand into his, once again cataloging the feel of his roughened hand enveloping hers, the gentle way he gripped her, despite the strength brimming beneath his skin.

“Indy O’Neall.” Her voice didn’t crack, but it was a near thing.

“And how do you know Nick?”

“We dated for a few years in high school. I was devastated when he moved away, and I always wondered what would have happened if we’d stayed together.” Truth be told, her heart had been broken twice when Nick moved. Once by him, then by the realization that the psychic had been wrong. “Last week, I was clearing out some old things and found a gift he’d given me. I wanted to return it.”

“You were hoping he was single, and you’d get a second chance.”

Exactly. “Something like that.”

“I will never understand how he does it,” he said, shaking his head. “You called him your destiny. Do you really believe that?”

Indy looked down at her hands in her lap. She knew how it sounded.Sad, lonely girl chases daydream across town.This was why she should leave the adventures to Riley. “I know it sounds ridiculous.”

“I didn’t say that. Do I think my life is predetermined? No. I make my own future. And I definitely don’t think Nick is worthy of being anyone’s soulmate. But,” he said, nudging her with a shoulder until she peered up at him, “no one should ever make you feel bad about what you believe in. I certainly won’t.”

It really was unfair for him to be so reasonableandattractive.

“So,” she said, fumbling for a way to take the attention off her. “Amber?”

He grimaced. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Too bad. I showed you mine.”

Interest flared to life in his eyes, the honey brown going molten for a fraction of a second. Indy tried her best to ignore it.

“At least tell me why Nick is avoiding you. You mentioned he owed you?”