Page 2 of It Has To Be You

Beyond the velvet surroundings, the sound of laughter was muffled, faded like a dream, or a memory.

Though the woman’s sharp stare was unnerving, her hand was soft as she placed it over Indy’s. “You have a good heart, but don’t believe everything you’re told. The future is yours to make, and if you wait too long, you might miss it.”

Indy frowned. “Is that it?”

There was a tired sigh. “You may ask three questions.”

“Okay,” Indy said, rushing through her three biggest concerns. “Will the Rebels win the championship? Will I become a famous author? And will Nick and I be together forever?”

The woman’s eyes bored into her for a long moment, then she closed them on a long inhale. Then came another, slow enough that Indy feared she wouldn’t answer.

Then, with a hint of a smile, the psychic opened her eyes again.

“The answer to your first two questions is yes.”


“And the third?”

“The future is a tricky thing. Only you can make your destiny real, but you have to trust your instincts.”

“Okay,” Indy drawled, disappointed.

Maybe Nick had been right after all. She pulled her hand back, but the woman caught her wrist and tugged it closer.

“This bracelet is special,” she said, brushing a thumb over the smooth gold surface. “The man it belongs to is the key to your destiny. He’s the one you dream of.”

She knew it. “You mean it? Nick and I—”

The woman shook her head, her hair moving like spilled black ink around her. “Listen to me carefully. You want the answers to life’s questions, to know you’ll find your one true love and live happily ever after?”

Indy nodded. Of course. Wasn’t that why she was here?

“Fate doesn’t act alone. She’ll show you the path, but you must walk it yourself.”


(Fifteen years later)

Seriously, this story could kiss her beautiful ass.

Weeks of writing and rewriting, sending her manuscript to her beta readers for critique, tweaking it based on their feedback, waking up in a cold sweat and questioning everything, tweaking it again, and thenfinallysending it to her editor had come to this.

Complete and utter terror.

An unfounded fear, her editor Lori had said. Though that hadn’t stopped her from adding nearly two thousand comments and tracked changes through it.

Irrational, her roommate Sasha had promised her, which had been backed up by her betas.

Possible,her fearful heart had whispered when her doubts snowballed and fogged over her thoughts, casting them through frosted glass.

On those days— her blanket days— her only option was to burrito herself and begin another quest to save the Princess of Hyrule.

Writing the fifth and final book in her bestselling Riley Jones series should have been easy. This was the culmination of the last four years of her life. Riley was the perfect tomb-raiding heroine, a play on Indy’s namesake with a spicy blend of Bond’s casual romantic entanglements.

This was the endgame, where Riley would meet her enigmatic benefactor (and ultimate love interest), August.

Indy stared at the Word document before her, reread the sentence again, and then gave up.