Page 18 of Not My Love Story

Hayley leaned in. Heat radiated along his side where they touched. “Of course you can’t. Some of us find it utterly romantic. Putting aside your ego so you can announce how you feel about someone? That’s bravery.”

“Some of us prefer our dignity,” he lied. Emilia would probably kick his ass if she heard him.

When Hayley frowned and pulled away, he fought the urge to shuffle closer.


Dancers are now all around them. A cover of “I Get A Kick Out Of You” blasts from a speaker.

* * *

The whole dance scenario was as ridiculous as yesterday’s coffee shop disaster. If he didn’t know any better, he’d think he was dreaming. Writing often caused his mind to create odd scenarios, his subconscious filling in the blanks.

But never in his most fevered creative state would he create a flash mob, especially one with such bad direction (at least a third of the dancers were out of time). If the characters in his head were going to choreograph a dance, they would at least hit their marks.

Considering his recent luck, he shouldn’t have been surprised when a nearby dancer pulled him off the bench to join in.

And maybe, if he hadn’t been shocked, he wouldn’t have tripped over his own feet in an effort to pull away.

Maybe,if he wasn’t having the strangest week of his life, he wouldn’t have fallen ass over head into a damn fountain, but he was pretty sure Hayley was right, and he was paying karmic restitution. Who was he to question the laws of the universe?

This was how Hayley found him — soggy and contrite. “Go ahead. I know I look ridiculous.”

“I’m sorry,” she laughed, ducking to the side when he splashed her.

“No, you’re not. You’re full of tea and no sympathy.” Finally, he succumbed to the ridiculousness, laughing at himself.

He deserved the comeuppance for every dig she’d tolerated over the last forty-eight hours. But he could have handled learning his lesson without ruining half his wardrobe in the process. And what was it about these damn clichés that so often ended up with someone needing to get undressed after?


Actually, that made sense. Maybe there really was something to all this nonsense.

“Do you need a hand?”

She’d said something similar the night they’d slept together.

He looked up at Hayley, her hand held out, the shared memory dancing in her eyes. She was framed beautifully, the perfect blue of the sky and the light of the sun. If he wouldn’t look unhinged, he would stay put and search for the right words to capture the moment.

He longed to transform these moments to film, their brightness always dulled in the adaptation. Far easier for him to capture pain, regret, disappointment.

Hope, happiness, love… Harrison barely knew where to start.

* * *

Curious stares followed them on their walk back. The judgment of his half-soaked state prickled against his skin. He should be furious. These were his favorite jeans.

But with every look he chanced at Hayley, he caught her smiling back, and the wall he’d been about to erect disappeared.

“That was embarrassing,” he admitted.

“More embarrassing than the time you attempted to sing a Prince song at that karaoke bar?”

Color dotted the high points of her cheekbones. It took all of his self-control not to explore the warmth of them with his lips.

“Says the woman who couldn’t remember the lyrics to “Wannabe.” I’m surprised they didn’t take your citizenship after that.”

“Oh, they tried,” Hayley joked. “I had to name all the members ofMonty Pythonand recite every word to an Adele song for them to let me back in again.”