“For messing up my friendship?”
“No.” Finn wraps his arms around me. “For telling someone about us.”
“I can’t say it was encouraging,” I pout.
“Baby steps, Becca.” Finn kisses the top of my head. “She’s just angry you didn’t tell her sooner.”
“Maybe,” I agree. Deep down, I know Miranda will come around. But what happens when it’s someone I don’t know as well? And worse, what happens when I tell my family?
By the time I pull up to the Birds of Paradise shop to drop off Miranda, I’ve learned more about reverse-harem enemies-to-lovers plotlines than is humanly recommended. It turns out there are plotlines with alien overlords, and plotlines without, because it’s not just sci-fi that the romance world has corrupted anymore. There’s fantasy, westerns, mafia thrillers …
“Becca reads more of these books than I do,” Miranda warns, as I pull up to the curb. “No wonder she’s only into romantacy-batboy-kinky-menage.”
“Thank you?” I reply, not sure if that’s a compliment or not.
“Don’t start thinking I’m not pissed off at her anymore!” Miranda threatens, getting out of the passenger seat. “Just because you’re willing to listen to me babble on about the Omegaverse doesn’t mean we’re friends.”
“Alphas dominant. Omegas submissive,” Miranda explains. “Have you been listening to anything I’ve been saying?”
“Unfortunately, yes,” I confess. “I thought I knew what women wanted, but clearly I have a lot of reading to catch up on.”
“Women just want love, honesty, and to be desired,” Miranda says, “but Icansend you a list of Becca’s favorite books.”
“But only because you’re still pissed at her, right?”
“Of course,” Miranda shrugs. “Sending my best friend’s boyfriend a list of all her kinky fantasy romances is sabotage at its finest.”
“It wasn’t personal,” I point out, “Becca not telling you about the three of us. Heck, we’re still trying to navigate this ourselves.”
“Love, honesty, and desire,” Miranda echoes. “Plus, if you break her heart, I’ll cut you.”
“I’ll make sure Finn does it then,” I toss back, and she gawks at my gall.
“You’re the worst!” Miranda sasses. “I’m going to get her to dump your ass and just date Finn.”
I almost laugh at the irony of that. That’s what will happen in the end anyway.
“Just let me enjoy it for as long as it lasts,” I mock plead. “Finn can have her. But give me enough time to try that anti-gravity-tentacle thing you were telling me about from—what series was it?”
“Neptune’s Alien Brides,” she says without a pause.
“Right, add that one to the list,” I laugh. “There might be some kinky cosplay in my future and I’m blaming you for it.”
“Why does Becca get all the breaks,” Miranda shakes her head.
“We can invite you and your boyfriend, if you’re up for—”
“Too weird!” Miranda interrupts. “It’s bad enough I have to think about my cousin and my boss. I don’t actually want to be a witness.”
“Too bad,” I tease, “because it’s fucking hot.”
“TMI!” Miranda squeals, putting hands over her ears.