Page 76 of Wild Flower

“This photo.” I tap the computer screen of the three of us. “You feel it too, don’t you?”

Finn kisses me with so much force I almost fall off the chair. He didn’t say it. He doesn’t have to say it for it to explode like a thousand butterflies in my soul. And I need Archer here, before I say anything out loud.

“Where are the photo releases,” I ask, when Finn gives me a moment’s breath. “Both of them?”

“Didn’t you want to think about them?”

“I have, Finn. And I’m tired of hiding us,” I assert, pointing to the folder with the documents. He pulls the releases out, and I open them to the page where you sign. “I hate that Miranda doesn’t know about us. I hate that I’m walking on tiptoes in public like I’m ashamed.”

I grab a pen from Simon’s desk, but Finn grabs my wrist. “You don’t have to sign this to prove to me we’re real.”

“You’re right,” I agree, twisting my arm from his grip and quickly signing the documents. “But I want your work to be seen. It deserves to be celebrated. And the more I look at your work, the more confident I am. There’s a woman you capture in these images that I’m just starting to see in myself. So please, blow her up to the size of a billboard and inspire me to stand in her power.”

Finn kisses me like he did in the photo of the three of us, where I feel bold and cherished. And I make a decision then and there to stop hiding this relationship.

Or maybe I make a decision to stop hiding myself.



An ocean breeze wafts over the plot of land in front of me, smelling salty and sweet like jasmine baking in the sun. This plot is larger than the one at my parents’ house, but it has the right soil mixture, the right water hook-ups, the right amount of daylight and shade. There’s even space to build a larger greenhouse if I dared to imagine I could afford such a thing.

The price tag for this land is steep. I’d have to get a loan and have a mortgage. I met with Simon and he pointed out that my finances aren’t as bad as I think. I can actually afford my parents’ rental agreement if I raised my prices for wedding arrangements. It would be tight, but I could do it.

But in front of me is an option that means freedom and autonomy. Just looking at this luscious plot has my brain wondering if I’ve sold myself short. Could I get a loan?? Could I relocate? Could I be brave enough to uproot everything?

I think about Archer and Finn and a hum of excitement fills my shoulders and starts spreading. They keep reminding me that I’ve spent too much of my life playing it safe. The true treasure is dangerous and risky.

I take several photos of the plot with my phone and text them to Connor and his brother, who’ve agreed to help me with my mother’s contract.

Becca:This is the one. See attached photos and asking price. I’d have to get a loan, but if I’m going to relocate it should be for the absolute best.

Connor:Let’s get you a meeting with the bank. Even if they don’t approve you, we can still act like it’s in process. I’ll have my brother Ned send you the details.

A dizzy feeling erupts in my chest, feeling too big and too real to process. Am I doing this? Am I actually going to break free of my parents?

“What’s this all about?” A female voice trails up the field behind me. I turn to see Miranda walking through the grass wearing far-too-high of heels. Behind her are Archer and Finn who I asked to bring her here.

I smile wide and call out to Miranda. “Take off your shoes! You’re going to break an ankle!”

“I dourbanhiking,” she replies, not abandoning her heels. “I do asphalt and boardwalks and department stores. You know this about me. If you wanted to go hiking you should’ve had your six-pack ripped, alien overlord back there bring me some boots.”

“Alien overlord?” I ask, my smile hitching. “And you thinkIread too many romance novels?”

“I’m not convinced that man isn’t packing three schlongs,” Miranda quips, as if that’s a defense. “And if he is, I need a diagram on exactly where each one goes.”

“Have you told your alien overlord fantasies to Kyle?” I toss back. “I’m sure there are strap-ons he can invest in.”

“There’s reality and there’s fantasy, Becca,” Miranda replies, finally reaching me without falling on her face. “You just hit the jackpot.” She points back at Archer, not realizing there indeed are multiple appendages in her jackpot metaphor that she’s yet to understand.

“I wanted to show you this,” I say, pointing to the land, “and I wanted your opinion.”

“This is as far as I can walk in these shoes,” Miranda answers. “The length of your hike is sufficient, but I can’t promise I’ll make it back to the car.”

“This isn’t a hike!” I nudge her shoulder. “I’m talking about my farm.” I motion to the land again. “Aboutthisbeing my new location.”

“Oh shit. You’re serious?” Miranda looks at me surprised. “You’re actually thinking of relocating?”