Archer and Finn are both stroking my back now.
“We’ve all got your back,” Connor says, nodding to the men at my sides. “You’re not alone in this. We’ll get Simon to run your numbers, and these two can help you figure out real estate options. I’ll twist my brother Ned’s arm to get him to scare the shit out of your mother. Family screwing their kids out of their businesses is a particular sore spot for my brother, so trust me, you’ll have leverage. You just need to remove the emotion from it and do what’s best for your business. Got it?”
I nod, even though this is too much too fast—financials, lawyers, moving? Honestly, I want to crawl into a ball and go back in time to before I met Archer and Finn.
Of course, I don’t mean that. Things were just easier then.
Ora different kindof easier.
But as I look at the fire and determination in Connor’s eyes—a man who’s pretty much a stranger to me—I know in my gut, this was coming. Even without Archer and Finn causing my mother to go haywire with the contract, she was going to pull the rug out from under me eventually.
At least now, I have friends to help me fight back.
After scouring Oahu’s real estate websites, Becca, Archer, and I have a list of half a dozen properties to visit. We do a drive by of the first two, but Becca isn’t happy with either. The first has too much direct sun, and the second is mostly a parking lot without enough planting space.
The whole time, I keep trying to figure out if there’s a good time to bring up the model releases. I have two releases for them to sign now—one for the Flambé shoot, and another for the university show. Of course, Becca’s distracted with the to-do list Connor’s given her, and it’s not until we’ve seen two more properties and are headed back to the Birds of Paradise that the conversation seems to lull.
“Hey, so I have some news,” I say to break the ice. “I’ve been asked to put some of my new photo work in the university show next month.”
“What?” Becca leans forward from the back seat and turns to me with a bright smile. I haven’t seen her smile all day. “That’s amazing, Finn!”
“Yeah, it’s pretty exciting.” I nod. “Not everyone gets invited to participate, and Katz—that’s my professor—wants to give me a featured spot in the show. Which is crazy, because the featured spots usually only go to his grad students.”
“Congratulations, man,” Archer adds from the driver’s seat next to me. “Is Katz the difficult photo teacher you were telling me about?”
I nod. “He’s never been interested in my work, and then suddenly—featured spot!”
“What changed?” Becca asks. “What’s in your work now that wasn’t there before?”
You,I want to say, but that feels too direct, too sentimental.I’ve got a muse and everything comes alive behind my lens when I look at you.
“I’ve been taking some new risks,” I say instead. “Experimenting, playing with blur effects, low lighting. Actually, I’ve submitted a lot of the new work with the two of you in it.”
“You showed me a few of those,” Becca says, leaning forward between me and Archer. “Those were really beautiful. I’m glad your professor is giving you some recognition.”
“Beautiful?” Archer scoffs. “With my ugly mug in them?”
Becca slaps him in the shoulder. “You’re good looking and you know it,” she sasses. “You wouldn’t walk around naked so much if you couldn’t stand in your own beauty.”
“I like what my naked beauty does to you,” Archer jokes, running the back of his hand against Becca’s cheek. “And clearly, Finn likes photographing it.”
“Right,” I say, tentatively. “Speaking of that, some of the images are … a bit suggestive.”
“Suggestive?” Archer eyes me.
“He’s taken pictures of us when we were together,” Becca answers for me. “Against the window.”
“Does my ass look good?” Archer laughs.
“It’s mostly a blur,” I explain. “You aren’t actually having sex in the image. Honestly, it’s hard to make out what’s happening, but there’s the suggestion of ...”
“Fucking?” Archer blurts.
I nod, glancing quickly at Becca to gage her reaction. She’s seen the image, but has she thought about other people looking at it?