A great idea? My hand was under Becca’s skirt and Arie nearly fired me for it. Is that what she told Simon and he approved?
“What are you talking about?” I ask, not following.
“It’s a promotional photoshoot for the restaurant,” Simon explains. “Only, Arie’s idea is to give the shoot authenticity by hiring all of you instead of models.”
“You want us to be models?” I motion to Becca, Finn, and myself.
“Well, definitely Becca and you,” Arie says, narrowing her eyes at me with a glimmer that saysDon’t say anything you’ll regret in front of Simon.“I thought Finn could be the photographer,” she says, turning to him. “I know you’re studying at the university and I’ve seen your work. It’s good. And I think it’s important to support my employee’s passions. I know you won’t work at Flambé forever, but if we can be a stepping stone toward what you love, then I’ll do what I can to help it happen. You’ve both seen Olivia’s artwork on the walls.”
Olivia’s one of our hostesses, and it’s true, the restaurant did put up a bunch of her abstract paintings.
“Plus, the three of you”—Arie points at us with a glowing smile—“have a certain chemistry that I want to bottle like fire.”
Chemistry? Flambé is high-end, but also sexy as sin. What kind of photoshoot is she planning?
“I’m sorry,” I interject, “you want to photograph”—I nod to Becca and me—“us? And you want Finn to photograph it?”
Arie’s smile widens. Is this a sick joke?
“Yes,” Arie repeats. “It’s a sexy new campaign where a real waiter from Flambé is serving a real patron. Of course, it will also be a little risqué and hot. Push the envelope. We’ll use flowers from Becca’s shop, and set up a fake scenario at one of the tables in the dining room. I’ll make the food and drink—maybe even a chocolate rose—something sensual that matches all of Becca’s botanical tattoos.”
“And what exactly arewedoing in this photoshoot?” I ask.
“You’ll be serving her,” Arie says. “Think about it like a fantasy—that’s what we’re selling here: theideaof being serviced by someone beautiful and hot.”
I raise my eyebrows.
“We’ll get creative,” Arie says, tossing me a wink. “Maybe we’ll put you on your knees in front of her in a suggestive position. Or have you feed her chocolates. Heck, maybe we’ll get Finn in front of the camera and both of you can serve her.”
Arie smiles wickedly. All of this hits way too close to home. Does Arie know aboutbothof the nights that Becca came to Flambé?
“And you’re okay with this?” I ask, turning to Becca. It’s one thing to ask a girl to jump off a cliff, it’s another to be photographed in a suggestive position. Hell, this is a marketing campaign—these photos will be public.
“Arie assured me that I have veto power,” Becca says confidently. “If there’s anything I don’t like, she won’t use it. The idea is to promote both Flambé and Birds of Paradise.”
“But that could be done with models and not us,” I point out.
“Yes,” Arie interrupts, “but there’s an energy that the three of you have that won’t be the same with someone else. Plus, look at Becca. Where am I going to find someone with those tattoos? Of course, if you and Finn aren’t interested,” Arie’s eyes turn dark, “I could get someone else on the waitstaff to—”
“I didn’t say no,” I interrupt. There’s no way I’m letting Becca take photos with some other shmuck at this restaurant. Or a model! “I just want to make sure she’s comfortable with it.” I touch Becca’s elbow and she shivers, her eyes cutting to me with a glowing heat. Damn, Arie’s right. Thereisan energy that just ignites. Of course, I don’t know how Finn’s going to capture that in a photograph. “Are you sure about this?”
Becca leans into my touch and gives me a soft smile. “I only want to do it if it’s with you and Finn,” Becca replies, and I’m surprised at the confidence with which she says it.
“We’ll need a contract,” Finn interjects. “Model releases, a clear definition of what the images will be used for, veto rights on paper.” Finn points to Becca’s request, knowing a verbal agreement is only as strong as the paper it’s written on.
“A man after my own heart,” Simon agrees. “Let me find the paperwork.” Simon pulls open one of his filing cabinets. “This is a standard promotional contract, but if you have paperwork of your own, Finn, that you’d like to use instead, by all means let’s set up a meeting and combine them.”
Simon has quite the ability to make a negotiation sound non-predatory and like a win-win. Maybe that’s why Flambé is doing so well.
“You’ll all get paid, of course,” Arie adds. “This isn’t a freebie. This isn’t a favor because you’re on my payroll. Everyone gets paid the market rate.”
Arie’s serious. She wants to do this. We wouldn’t be sitting in Simon’s office talking contracts and money if she wasn’t.
“Is this something you’re interested in, too?” I ask Finn. He mulls it over for a moment before nodding. I guess I can see the appeal for the two of them. Finn gets work for his portfolio. Becca gets cross-promotion. I’m just the man-meat in the picture, which is fine. I’m not letting Becca be photographed with someone else.
“Becca’s on board. Finn’s on board,” Arie says, turning to me. “You’re the holdout. What do you say, Archer?”
I look at the two of them, unsure of my hesitation. I’m usually the asshole who jumps off the cliff first. A hot photoshoot with the sexiest girl in Hawaii? That should be a no-brainer.