Page 102 of Wild Flower

My chest tightens. That’s a small truth Becca has taught me, and it’s one Valeria has been waiting years for me to realize. I am loved, and I should fight for that love.

“Becca loves this farm,” I continue. “She loves every single one of those flowers, and she will be heartbroken for each one that doesn’t make it during the move. Your daughter also loves the woman she is. She’s never going to back down from being that brilliant, gorgeous woman, who deserves to be on billboards and to be loved fiercely by more than one man. Hell, I know for certain Becca would kick cancer in the ass if she ever had it. Your daughter will be fine. That’s a guarantee. She even makes me want to face all my fears and try and beat this cancer thing. Iwantto be there for her. I want to support her and love her and help her through all of it, if she’ll have me. I can’t wait to see how she blossoms from this experience. Because she will. Your daughter knows how to make the most difficult of plants grow.”

I take a breath, emotion tightening my throat.

“Butyourrelationship with Becca might not make it,” I warn. “And that sucks. As a man with no parents, I would do almost anything to have them back. Almost. I’d never ask Becca not to be who she is. Because who she is, is completely irreplaceable. There isn’t another woman on this planet like her, and I wish you could see it.”

Mr. and Mrs. Laurel stare at me stunned. Mrs. Laurel’s mouth bobs open and shut like she wants to talk, but her tongue has shriveled up.

“You don’t have to say anything to me,” I say. “I’ve dug my own grave with your daughter, and I’m going to be begging forgiveness myself. But call her. Work through this. Help her move.” I gesture to the packed boxes. “Life has punched me in the face twice with how precious our relationships are, and I’m definitely living on borrowed time. You don’t know when that drunk driver is going to swerve out of nowhere. All of your pride and frustrations aren’t worth what happens after. She’s your daughter and she loves you. She’s just waiting for you to show her you love her back.”

I turn around and head for my car. Valeria is sitting in the passenger seat giving me a thumbs up. And behind me, I swear I hear Becca’s father say, “I like him.”



Iwalk into the alley behind Birds of Paradise where Finn and Miranda are unloading the van with plants. They’ve done at least five trips today, and I can’t help but check out Finn covered in sweat and dirt. Gardening looks good on him.

He hasn’t spoken to me all day, except for the cursory nod or half-smile. That’s my fault, of course; he’s waiting for me to break the ice.

“Miranda,” I say, making both of them look my direction. “Can you cover the front for a few minutes?”

A big smile spreads across Miranda’s face as she looks between me and Finn, not hiding her fist-bump in the air before she says, “Yes, ma’am! I would love to cover for you.” She grabs three pots and trots past me triumphantly.

“Well, she’s subtle,” I joke, looking to Finn who’s brushing dirt out of his golden hair.

“You’re the one who anointed her the Queen of Alien Peen,” Finn tosses back. “That’s gone to her head.”

“Guilty,” I admit, weaving through the plants they’ve unloaded. “Look, I wanted to say thank you, for—” I motion to all the pots filling the alley. “Thank you for helping, and for finding Archer, and for giving me space.”

“It’s fine,” he says kindly. “I’m happy to help.”

“It’s not fine.” I step up to the van next to him. “I ran out on you at your opening. I’ve been in my own head. I owe you an apology for all of that, and you’ve been nothing but gracious.”

“I’m sorry Archer lied.”

“That’s not something you need to apologize for,” I insist. “I’m the one who’s sorry, not that Archer lied, but for betraying your trust when he and I slept together without you.”

“Becca, I’m not upset.” Finn moves to touch my face but hesitates, dropping his hand and focusing on the dirt between his fingertips. “You thought Archer was upset about his sister having cancer. Yes, that was a lie, but if Archer had told youhewas the one in remission, you probably would’ve done the same thing, wouldn’t you?”

He looks up and my breath shallows. “Yes,” I admit. “I just wanted all that pain in his eyes to go away.”

“Exactly.” Finn steps closer, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. His hands smell like soil and compost, and it’s stupidly sexy. “If you need me to say it out loud: you’re allowed to sleep with Archer without me. Whatever guilt you’re feeling about this is misguided. I love you. Archer loves you. Everything you did was out of love.”

I turn my face into his touch, his palm rough and dusty from moving my plants. “You’re so understanding,” I say. “I don’t deserve you.”

“Bullshit,” he says, lifting my chin. “If anyone doesn’t deserve someone, it’s me. But that’s not going to stop me from showing up for you every day.” His head tilts toward mine, but his lips hang back, causing a smirk to hitch my cheek.

“Are you waiting for permission to kiss me?” I tease. “You are literally covered in dirt right now, and I know how dirty you can be. I was there at The Orchid.”

His fingers lift my chin closer to him. “I asked for permission then, too, Wild Flower.”

I rise onto my toes and brush my mouth across his. It’s soft and tentative like we’re learning each other again. “I love you,” I whisper, sucking his bottom lip between my teeth. He moans and claims me, grabbing me by my hips and lifting me up so my legs wrap around his waist.

I’ve missed how his body molds to me. I’ve missed the pressure of him as he pins me against the alley wall. He tastes like dirt and sunshine as his naughty fingers knead into my thighs, which are exposed from the jean shorts I’m wearing. I gasp for breath when his mouth sears down my neck, burning over my ghost orchid to the vines below it. Every touch is electric.

“How long do you think we have before Miranda comes back?” I ask, desperate for his fingers to sneak under my shorts and tease me.