Page 62 of Wild Flower

“This dress screams fuck me right now, Becca,” I growl, peeling it down to her hips and threatening to push it to the floor. “Do you want to give me permission to do that without Finn around?” I ask, moving to her other breast as her fingers dig into my long hair like the answer is yes. “We can always call him and let him listen—”

“Don’t hide your boyfriend from us, Becca!” The door swings open beside us. “We all want to meet your—”

I’m literally sucking on Becca’s tit as her sister barges in and stops mid-sentence to gape.

“Oh my God!” The sister’s hand slaps over her mouth, her eyes bulging out of their sockets. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t realize—”

Only, she stands there staring, and I have to turn to her with a cheeky smile and say, “Do you want to give us a minute or—?”

“Oh my God! Yes!” Becca’s sister flushes, matching the pink of her dress. “You two are obviously, uh—you’re—” She fumbles for the door, but doesn’t look away.

We’re obviously about to fuck. That’s the words she’s looking for, but she’s either in shock that her little sister is even remotely sexual, or she’s kinky herself and wants to watch.

“Maybe lock the door on your way out,” I offer, turning back to Becca and capturing her nipple between my lips again. If her sister wants a show, I’m going to give her one.

There’s a click and a slam, the windows rattling.

“Holy shit!” Becca gasps, looking down at me, flushed and embarrassed. “Did my sister just walk in on—?”

“Me licking your tits and getting you so hot you’re ready to bounce on my cock?”

Becca gapes at me:Did you just say that? Much less suck on my nipples in front of my sister?Except, the truth beneath that accusation is the lust in her eyes, betraying how badly she wants to push me onto the floor right now.

I smile. Our Wild Flower really does get excited about the idea of getting caught—or in this instance,actuallygetting caught.

“You have two options,” I offer. “You can ride me on the floor, right now, and see if your sister is lingering outside that door waiting to hear you scream.” Becca bites her lip. “Or,” I cup her breast and squeeze it. “You can put on a different outfit that won’t cause me to tear your clothes off in front of your family.”

She whimpers. She definitely wants to choose the floor option, but I know it’s not a real possibility with her family out there.

“I promise we can call Finn later,” I whisper, dragging my lips between her breasts to her neck. I clutch her silver hair. “Just imagine one of us inside you while the other’s in your mouth.”

“Oh God,” she moans, dropping her head back against the wall behind her. “How is it possible that I’ve gone through life feeling absolutely nothing downtown,” she questions, as I stroke her spine, “when the two of you have me in a perpetual state of—”

She bites her lip and meets my eyes, whimpering hotly. If her sister wasn’t outside the door, I’d pull Becca’s skirt down and demand she sit on my face right now. But I know that nosey twit is waiting to see if I’ll pin her sister against the door and pound into her like no one’s listening.

“I’ll text Finn,” I say. “But first, let’s do this dinner thing.”

“I’m so embarrassed.” Becca hangs her head.

“Your sister’s married,” I point out. “I’m sure she’s had her own fun.” Becca frowns like that might be a stretch. “It’s not like the door wasn’t closed,” I remind her. “It’s her own fault for barging in.”

“I guess,” Becca says, disengaging from me and pulling the front of her dress back up.

“Go change. This will be fine.”

“Promise?” she asks, not convinced.

“Promise,” I nod, and she retreats to another room to change her outfit. The second she’s out of sight, I turn and open the door, walking right into her sister who’s practically got her ear pressed against the frame. “Hi!” I say loudly, causing her to stumble back and flush at being caught again. “You must be Helena.”

I shut the door behind me and hold out my hand for her to shake.

“Oh, uh—” Helena mumbles, brushing her brown hair out of her face, then smoothing the wrinkles from her pink dress. She’s pretty in a plain older-sister kind of way, and there’s a clear resemblance to Becca. Only, Becca has all the striking features while Helena’s sporting the snobbish, pursed lip vibe.

“You and Becca must be close,” I say, pointing to the door she barged into without knocking. “You caught us—” I smile wickedly just to draw out the awkwardness. “But Becca said you’re married, so, I’m sure you and your husband have had similar moments of …”

Helena stares at me slack jawed like the last thing she’s ever done is have sex with her husband, much less a hot fuck before he met her parents.

“Don’t worry,” I interject. “We didn’t finish.” Helena’s face burns pink. “I mean, we probably would’ve if you didn’t walk in, but you know, you did. And Becca’s not quiet if you know what I mean, so—”