“You wanna bet?” I sass. “You whip that bad boy out again, and we’ll see who finishes first.”
Tsk-Tsk! Mason clucks his tongue. “Nice try, Tate,” he says, wagging a finger at me. “We both know the second my cock is out you’ll be deep throating me again.”
I bite my lip. He’s right. I totally want my mouth on him.
“Research!” Mason points to my laptop. “Then all your naughty wishes can be granted.”
“I never thought I’d see the day Mason Haas refused sex.”
I stand up and grab my scrubs from the floor.
“Well,” Mason begins, with a wicked smile. “I never thought I’d see you naked, much less the naughty-girl-hall-of-fame version of you riding my cowboy on that rug there. So, I guess anything’s possible.”
“Anything’s possible, huh?” I say with a cheekiness, pulling on the shirt and bottoms of my scrubs. “Is that your version of an inspirational speech?”
“No, Tate.” Mason levels me with a serious expression. “All my inspirational speeches happen when I’m tongue is deep in your pussy, but I thought you already knew that.”
“Tease,” I shake my head.
“Feels different when I’m the one doing it, huh?” Mason raises an eyebrow like he might be enjoying this a little too much.
“Pull that itsy-bitsy cock out and fuck me, or get out of my house!” I tease back.
“Oh, it’s fun to be the one in the power position,” Mason shoots back.
“Door. Go!” I point, trying not to smile, even though my cheeks already hurt from how big my grin is. “I don’t need your tiny cock!”
“I know you don’t, Princess,” he says, walking backwards to the door and stroking the front of his slacks to tease me. “Just like I don’t need your giant, flabby, cavern of a cunt.”
“Mason!” I laugh. How is it that he knows how to take everything one step too far?
“My baby cock couldn’t even feel you when your Grand Canyon bounced on it.” He mock-pouts, and I can’t stop laughing.
“What’s the deadline for this Pinterest thing?” I ask as he opens the back door.
“Depends on when you want to orgasm again, Tate.”
“Are you serious?”
Mason shrugs. “I’m extremely talented in the masturbation department. Trust me, I’ll hold out a lot longer than you will on this one. Especially considering that stunt you pulled in my office.”
I glower at him. “Maybe I’ll give you another massage, and then we’ll see who’s begging.”
Mason smiles. “You could’ve finished a whole Pinterest board in the time we’ve been talking. I could be balls deep in you right now if you weren’t trying so hard to avoid the important work you’ve got to do.”
“Then get out of my house!” I threaten, walking over to my laptop and flinging it open.
“I am out of your house,” Mason shoots back, pointing to the fact that he’s one step on the other side of the threshold as he continues to hold my screen door open.
I give him a withering look and throw off my scrubs again, tossing them onto the floor and sitting in front of my laptop naked.
“Really?” he says.
“Maybe I want to research the sex angle for this jewelry line,” I say, hooking a finger in the golden chain at my hip.
“Naughty girl is going to make bank,” Mason says darkly, stepping back and letting the screen door swing shut with a smack! The loud noise makes me jump, and yet the shock wicks through my body like I’ve been spanked—in a sexy way. I force myself to not look at Mason, to see if he noticed how that noise zipped through my body and perked my nipples.
I have work to do.