“Wait?” Sam’s eyes cut to me. “You’re engaged?”
“Yes,” I say, but not with the same vigor as the finger-wagging self in my head. In fact, there’s an icky feeling sloshing in my gut from the lie. “Yes,” I assert with more determination. “It’s new. He just proposed the other day. We weren’t telling anyone yet.”
“You’re engaged?” Sam repeats, looking between me and Mason and trying to unravel the secrets of this impossible math equation.
“Yup,” Mason confirms. “I’m signing myself up for one pussy for life. I know, I know—that sounds like a death sentence, man. But when you consider the pussy—let’s just saydamn!Not that I need to tell you.” Mason motions to Sam obnoxiously. “Hell, I don’t know how you possibly walked away, but boy am I going to cash in on your mistake and put a ring on it.”
“Put a ring on—” Sam gapes at me like Mason’s high. “Is he joking right now? Is this a big joke?”
“Well, we don’t officially have a ring yet,” I say, holding up my empty left hand. “But it’s in the works.”
“Naomi’s designing the ring herself,” Mason adds. “Her work is incredible.”
Sam squints in confusion, causing Mason to give me a look of surprise:How did your ex not know you designed jewelry?
“She’s a designer,” Mason explains. “Necklaces, earrings, gold, gems …” He runs a hand across my chest plate where my necklace hangs, grazing my cleavage as he does it. The gesture hits its mark causing Sam to bubble with anger, and I have to admit, the brashness of Mason’s hands turns my insides molten. “I’m surprised you didn’t know she designed jewelry.” Mason rubs it in. “Seeing that you’ve known her longer than I have.”
Sam’s eyes prance across me, trying to connect the dots: dress, necklace, earrings, my face, Mason’s hands.
“I had no idea you—” his voice drops out, looking at me with an apology in his eyes. “I mean, I know you wore jewelry all the time, but I didn’t know—”
“Your loss, man,” Mason gloats.
Sam continues to stare at me like I’m someone else, a stranger he doesn’t understand. It’s not the distant and detached look I got used to at the end of our relationship, but one that’s present and curious. He’s realizing he missed something important when we were together that he shouldn’t have, and it makes me fascinating.
“Naomi! Saaaaam!” A shriek of excitement makes us all turn.
Shauri is spilling herself out of an Uber wearing a tulle and chiffon number—definitely from last spring’s season based on the color—as she belts out our names. The entire wedding party is in tow as Shauri launches herself at Sam and I, pulling us into an enormous group hug.
“It’s sooooooo good to see you guys!” she bellows. “It’s been like a year since I’ve seen you two in person. You both look amazing. Wow, Sam, have you been working out?” Shauri squeezes his bicep, clamping down and making him grimace.
“Shauri,” I interject. “This is Mason, my—” I motion, but Shauri’s a step ahead, catapulting herself forward like a chiffon-ruffled rubber band.
“Your secret boyfriend!” she screeches, latching onto Mason and squeezing hard. “Oh my gosh, you’re so adorable.”
“Adorable?” Mason looks at me wide-eyed, his expression distinctly asking if he’s about to be murdered by aubergine-colored tulle. I shrug, finding his blindsided look quite adorable—indeed.
“Oh, and you work out, too!” Shauri unwraps herself, squeezing Mason’s arms like he’s a prize stallion she’s considering buying. “Secret Boyfriend, I’m impressed!”
“Secret fiancé,” Sam interjects, and Shauri turns to my ex in surprise.
“Secret what?” Shauri asks.
“They’re engaged.” Sam points to me and Mason, but his eyes are on me, not sure what game I’m playing. I shoot him a frown, before I’m mauled again by Shauri.
“Engaged!” she shrieks. “When did this happen? Why didn’t you tell me! Oh my gosh, this is so exciting!”
“It just happened,” I admit. “I didn’t want to steal your thunder.”
“Oh my gosh, you couldn’t do that!” Shauri says, reaching for my hand and frowning when she finds my ring-finger absent a giant rock.
“It’s so new, we don’t have the ring yet,” I explain.
“You proposed without a ring?” Shauri smacks Mason on the shoulder, and he cowers at her aggressiveness. “I just met you, Secret Boyfriend, but that’s a no-no!”
“It wasn’t planned,” Mason replies, rubbing his shoulder. “Sometimes you’re just moved by love, and it isn’t about the accessories.” He motions to my fancy dress and lack of engagement ring.
“God, you don’t know anything about women if you think an engagement ring is an accessory,” Shauri scolds, lifting up her left hand and waggling hersignificantdiamond in Mason’s face. “Don’t you know diamonds are a girl’s best friend?”