Page 110 of Gin and Lava

Mason:Damn, girl. That would be REALLY bad news.

Naomi:Can I get an Amen!

I laugh. At least she’s in a better mood than when I left her this morning.

Naomi:Let me guess … you’re not coming back to the beach house tonight.

Mason:Not exactly. I won’t make it for dinner, or whatever bonfire-beachside-bonding Shauri’s got on the itinerary for tonight.

Naomi:*frowny face emoji*

Naomi:Are you mad at me? Can I do anything to make it up to you?

Mason:Don’t read too much into this, Princess. The Gin n’ Lava is slammed. And you can make it up to me by finishing your Pinterest boards.

Naomi:Really? That’s your make-up request?

Mason:I can’t request any of the things I really want until that one’s completed.

Naomi:Aren’t you the task master.

Mason:You’ve yet to see me with my leather whip.

Naomi:I shouldn’t find that hot, and yet …

Mason:Somehow, I don’t see you being subordinate.

Naomi:Too much Viking Princess in me?

Mason:Yes. Though you do know how to beg …

Naomi:*blushing face emoji* I have no regrets.

Naomi:Back to the original subject …Shauri will be heartbroken you aren’t here tonight.

Mason:After charades last night, I’m sure that’s a lie.

Naomi:She thinks you’re hilarious.

Mason:She’s being polite. Trust me, she’ll be just as broken up about me not being there as Trifecta.

Naomi:I talked to him, by the way.

My gut tightens.

Naomi and Trifecta had a talk? I don’t know why that puts me on edge. Maybe it’s because there are a thousand things they could talk about that would suck. What if they had a heart-to-heart and realized they regret breaking up, and now they’re hanging out at a romantic beach house in Hawaii wondering when to tear each other’s clothes off again. And I’m the dipshit who’s stuck managing his tiki bar on the other side of the island, instead of keeping Naomi ten feet away from Trifecta at all times.

Not that she’s mine.

Not that she needs protecting.

Not that I should care, because I know what we have is temporary. Who knows, maybe Naomi wants Trifecta back, and that’s what this whole jealous ex-boyfriend game is about. We never discussed an end game.

Acid roils in my gut. Trifecta’s a self-centered shit. For example, how could he not know about Naomi’s jewelry? I bet he doesn’t even know anything about her mom, or that she doesn’t own that beach house. They were together for a year! I glance at my phone, realizing I’ve been ruminating in my head when Naomi’s sent another comment.

Naomi:We talked about you.
