“I’ll do my best,” I said, squeezing my eyes shut. “How are you feeling?”
“Not great,” he replied. “I’ve cancelled my weekend plans. Margaret mentioned that she might like me to drive up to assist Fred as everything changes over, so I’m on standby until then.”
“That’s kind of you, Dad. I’m sure he’ll appreciate it.”
“Yes, well, I’m ready to go. You might consider it yourself.”
“I’ll see what I can do. You know I’m away this weekend, so I might not be able to.”
“Yes, where are you that you don’t have any signal? And here I thought you might not be able to get in contact with me this weekend.”
“Um, Scotland. Caught in the snowstorm,” I said vaguely.
“What a coincidence. I was supposed to be in Scotland this weekend, but Carmen is trying to get there on her own.”
Oh, no.
I was going to throw up.
“What’s she doing in Scotland?”
“A wedding,” he replied. “Given the circumstances, she’s got Vincent with her. Terrible weather up there, though, so I’m not sure if they’ll make it.”
Oh, shit, shit, shit!
“As long as they stay safe,” I said, my voice a little tight and squeaky. “It’s pretty bad. Might be best to cancel.”
“Are you all right?”
“Yes, sorry. Frog in my throat.” I made a big show of clearing it. “Might be best if they cancel,” I repeated. “Given the weather.”
“They’re already on their way,” Dad said. “They left not long ago, but I’ll let you know when they arrive so you don’t worry.”
“I wasn’t worrying.”
“Grace. That’s your brother.”
“Fine. I was half-worrying.”
“I suppose that’s better than nothing,” he replied wearily. “I’m going to get off the phone in case Margaret calls. Do make sure to let me know as soon as you hear from Fred. He’ll probably reply to you first.”
“I will, Dad. Don’t worry. Are you sure you’re all right being alone there this weekend?”
“Yes, Gracie. I’ll be fine. In fact, I think it’d prefer to be alone right now.”
“Okay.” I looked down and scuffed my foot across the floor. “Well, if you need me, I’m only here. You can call me anytime, Dad.”
He cleared his throat. “Thank you, sweetheart. I’ll make sure I do.”
“Okay. I’ll let you go, then.”
“Speak to you later, Gracie. Love you.”