ME: He really does.

AMBER: I’m going on record as your best friend and telling you that this is a really fucking stupid idea and it’s going to end badly.

ME: Noted.

AMBER: And even it if doesn’t end badly, it’s going to end badly.

ME: That makes no sense.

AMBER: You’ve read those books. They always end up in a relationship.

ME: That’s because romance has to have a happily ever after by industry definition. If they don’t end up together, it’s not a romance. And I am not a book character. And it’s only a week. I’m not going to fall in love in a week.

AMBER: I guess. I’m still against it, though. It’s a really bad idea.

She wasn’t wrong. That was the thing. I knew that. I knew this was a bad idea, and I hadn’t even considered that I might know some of the wedding guests.

And that they might knowme.

I had no control over that, though. Like I’d said to her, it wasn’t like I’d known William before we’d walked into each other last month, and I knew his sister’s name was Freya. I didn’t know a Freya, so it was entirely possible that our circles didn’t overlap. And if they did, they might be distant enough that I’d get away with it.

Other than that, I’d have to sleuth through my social media and see if anyone I knew was going to be here.

There was a reason I had that part of my life in a nifty little list I could switch to.

“Grace, are you all right?”

I jerked out of my head at the sound of William’s voice. “Oh, yes, sorry. Just drying off.”

“It’s been half an hour. Are you not dry?”

“No, I’m a woman. It takes at least three hours.”

He paused, then a light chuckle came through the crack in the door. “Mum drove past and knows we’re back. She wants us to go over so she can meet you.”

“Uh. That doesn’t give us a lot of time.”

“No, it doesn’t, so you’ll have to do what the rest of us human beings do and use the towel to dry off,” he replied. “Or you can sit there until you dry out and we can go over later.”

I hesitated for a second. “Can we go later? A fleeting meeting with your grandparents is one thing, your parents are another. We need to figure out something a bit more in-depth if we’re going to pull this off.”

“Do you think we can pull this off?”

“Stop asking me hard questions,” I replied, getting up off the bed. “And let me put some clothes on.”


“You’re really still drying off?”

“Yes.” I looked around for the clean knickers I’d thrown on the bed and grabbed them. “Actually, I got distracted texting my best friend and didn’t realise I was taking so long. She was telling me how much of a terrible idea this is.”

“She’s not entirely wrong,” he said, still standing on the other side of the door. “It is a terrible idea.”

“Well, it’s on you. You’re the one who didn’t clear the air, and I’m doing you a favour, so please stop talking to me until I’ve put my boobs away.”

William coughed on the other side of the door, and I clamped my hand over my nose and mouth to keep my laugh contained. He didn’t need to know I was laughing at him.

Not this hard, anyway.