“I’m slightly impressed you admitted that.”

“I’m not in the habit of lying.” He paused. “Just… occasionally withholding information, before you bring up the whole ‘my grandpa’s a duke’ thing.”

I winced. “I can’t really, can I? I withheld my own information.”

“Yes. Although it does explain why my entire family seems entirely besotted with you.”

“Except you, I’d hope.”

“Only because I know you snore.”

I gasped. “I do not snore!”

“Fine, you don’t snore, but you do giggle in your sleep. It’s sort of sweet.”

“I don’t giggle in my sleep. What a load of nonsense,” I retorted. “You were the one snoring last night. I had to kick you to make you shut up.”

He tilted his head to the side. “Huh. Was that you? I thought I imagined it.”

“I shall pinch you next time.”

“If you pinch me, I’ll wake up and cuddle you.”

I wrinkled my nose up. “No, thank you.”

“What, you don’t like cuddles, either?” He looked at me for a moment. “Then this is awkward.”

“I like cuddles just fine, just not in bed.”

“Why? Don’t you trust yourself not to resist my charms?” He grinned lopsidedly. “Are you afraid you’ll be seduced by my spooning?”

“Seduced by your spooning?” I laughed, falling forwards and resting my forehead on his shoulder. “That sounds like a cheesy romance novel title.”

He was about to say something, but an alarm went off on his phone, and he was forced to let me go to stop it. “It’s half-four. Dinner is soon. Are you going to shower before we begin the great relationship deception?”

I sighed, swinging my legs off his lap. “I suppose I should. Otherwise, Granny will only point it out.” I got to my feet, then stopped. “Wait. My stepmother isn’t going to be there, is she?”

“Are you afraid you’ll be put off your food?”

“Frankly, yes.”

He chuckled. “No, she’s not there. Only family and closest friends tonight. Maybe fifty or sixty people.”

I nodded. “Okay, fine. How long do I have?”

“A little over an hour.”



Dinner Dates

Grace had been introduced to no less than twenty of my family members tonight and re-introduced to some she knew; a few she’d met in passing over the years, and she’d shared a class with a cousin in university a few years ago.

Honestly, I was amazed at how well she was dealing with everyone and all the questions. The dinner had gone as well as anyone could have expected with kind words and toasts to my sister and James—the former of whom reallyhadcalmed down and was telling everyone she had a surprise for them tomorrow.

I was assuming that surprise was the wellies.