“I don’t cause carnage,” Granny called over. “Carnage finds me.”

“That’s what she tells everyone,” I added. “It’s not true.”

William fought back a smile. “Is that what you’re going to be like in fifty years?”

“You wish you could find out.” I snorted and moved onto the next line. I was in a rhythm tying these bows. “No. Nobody needs another Granny around.”

“Right, that’s it,” Granny said. “I’m telling your father.”

“No, you aren’t.”

“How do you know?”

“Because you don’t talk to, and I quote, ‘that lying, cheating, snivelly little bastard,’ unless you absolutely have to, and you spoke to him earlier. There’s no way you’ll do it again.” I smiled smugly at her. “And there’s nothing to tell him. Why torture him when I’ve given you the perfect method to torture his wife with?”

Her eyes narrowed. “What do you mean?”

Katie eyed me. “Yes, what method?”

I pointed at William. “As far as Carmen knows, I’m dating a future duke. That’ll piss her off.”

Granny’s eyes lit up. “I’m telling her you’re getting married.”

“No,” I said, right as William said, “Go ahead.”

I glared at him. “No, not ‘go ahead.’ What do you mean, ‘go ahead?’ I’m not marrying you. I’d kill you within weeks. We’ve been over this.”

“And like I said before, it’d be worth it.” He laughed.

“Young love,” Granny drawled. “Isn’t it disgusting?”

Katie coughed into her hand, hiding a laugh. “As enjoyable as this is, I do have things to do. William, are you being a help or a hindrance, seeing as you’ve given up tying bows?”

“She’s banned me,” he said morosely. “Apparently they look like shoelaces.”

“Grace,” Katie said, turning to me. “Is he being a help or a hindrance? I can find something else for him to do.”

“It’s fine.” I waved my hand. “Leave him here. He’ll only hinder someone else’s progress. At least he’s being useful, following me around with the bows.”

“Look at that. He’s learnt his place in the relationship already,” Granny quipped. “Right, I’m off to draft my speech to your stepmother about how you’ll one day be a duchess.”

I watched the two women leave and looked at William. “Where in any of that did I agree to marry you?”


“Thank you.”

“But it’s not out of the question.”

“What on Earth does that mean?”

He grinned. “It wasn’t that long ago you were begging me to kiss you. One day, you’ll be begging me to marry you.”

“Okay, first, it wasn’t begging, so watch your mouth,” I replied. “And I don’t plan on proposing to anyone, least of all you.”

“Ooft, you wound me.” He clutched his chest dramatically, almost dropping the ribbons. “I convinced you to kiss me, didn’t I?”

“No, you dillydallied like a prat until I got frustrated and yelled at you. There’s a big difference. Move over,” I said, nudging his legs. “You’re in the way.”