My initial assessment was proven right when it only took a few minutes for the orders in front of me to be cleared. I ordered a simple coffee to-go, knowing I’d finish it before I reached the library, and went through the motions of paying and moving to the side until my name was called.

My phone buzzed in my pocket, so I pulled it out and checked my messages.

AMBER: He won’t leave me alone.


Mr. Accidental Anal was still bugging her.

ME: Have you tried actually saying “I’m sorry but I’m not interested?”

AMBER: No. I don’t want him to think I’m a slut.

ME: You shagged him on the first date.

AMBER: That doesn’t make me a slut!!!!

ME: No, it doesn’t. But it does mean he’s pretty sure it’s going to happen on the second date.

AMBER: Shit.

AMBER: So you’re saying he just wants to bang me?

ME: Probably. I’d imagine it was much better for him than it was for you.

AMBER: Probably. Ugh.

ME: Just tell him you’re not interested.

AMBER: I can’t say that!

ME: Why not?????? You aren’t interested!!!!

AMBER: I already said yes.

I blinked at my phone.

Honestly, Amber was one of the most intelligent people I knew, but she was so, so dumb sometimes.


I jerked my head up and smiled at the barista who put down my coffee. “Thanks,” I said, taking it. I sidled my way through the crowd, frowning at my phone and hit the box to reply to her.

ME: I don’t even know what to say to you right now.

AMBER: I know. I know. I didn’t want to hurt his feelings.

ME: Well, then, RIP your arsehole.


With a quiet chuckle, I hooked my finger around the door handle and pulled it open, bumping it with my hip so I could step outside. It’d stopped raining, so that was a plus.

I turned left in the direction of the library and hit the reply box again.

ME: Past behaviour is the best indicator of future behaviour, so get used to anal.

“Ah!” I squealed it out as I collided with someone right in front of me. My phone slipped out of my grip, and I did some weird ninja move to stop it hitting the pavement and smashing, but my coffee wasn’t quite so lucky.