The twist in my stomach felt like a gut-punch. “Eric’s dead?”
“Yes.” Dad’s glazed look swept over his face again, and Mum clasped her hand to her mouth as her eyes filled with tears. “They think it was a heart attack. He was pronounced dead on arrival to the hospital.”
I took a step back, and the only thing that stopped me falling into nothing was Grace’s soft hands guiding me to one of the stools.
And not letting go.
One on my back, the other curled around my upper arm.
“And Fred? How is he?” My voice sounded dry, even to my own ears.
“The Earl,” Dad said flatly. “Such is the nature of inheritance.”
Grace stepped closer to me, and the hand she had placed on my back moved in slow circles.
“Excuse me,” he said after a moment. “I must call Violet and see what I can do for them.”
“I will arrange for some flowers to arrive,” Freya said, finishing her tea and getting up. “Do you want me to call instead, Dad? You look like you need to lie down.”
“No.” He looked around at all of us. “I need something to do.”
“How about another suit fitting?” I suggested, breaking through the sadness for a split second. “I don’t think you’ve had enough.”
Mum and Dad both cracked a smile at me, and Freya glared.
“Fine, make a joke at my expense,” she said, holding her hands up. “I can accept it. It’s fine.”
“Wow. James really did slip something into your breakfast, didn’t he?”
“Shut up, William.”
Mum wiped under her eyes, but there was a small smile on her face. “Never have I been so relieved to hear you two bicker.”
“Indeed,” Dad echoed. “It’s somewhat comforting.”
I mock-saluted them. “I’ll send Fred a message.”
“Oh, Will, can you reach out to Max, too? In Windermere?” Freya asked, pausing in the doorway. “I know he and Fred are extremely close. Please tell him that I won’t be upset if they choose to go to be with Fred and his family instead.”
“Yes.” I nodded. “I expect Ellie and Esme will go with him.”
Grace frowned. “Windermere. Are you talking about Ellie Aarons?”
Mum looked over. “Yes. Max is the Duke of Windermere—she’s his girlfriend. Do you know her?”
“I do, yes. We became friends in university. Her cousin was in one of my classes and introduced us. I helped with one of her books a few years ago,” Grace explained. “If it helps, I’m happy to reach out to her.”
I looked from her, to Mum, and then to my sister.
We really did have mutual friends.
How about that?
“Yes, please,” Mum said after a second. “That would be extremely helpful, Grace. Thank you.”
“Of course.”