“Why didn’t you call me back this morning?”

“I did. It went to voicemail.”

She rummaged in her bag and pulled out her phone. “Ah. It’s dead.”

“I guess he didn’t have a charger,” I mused, getting up and grabbing the mug with her fake lashes in. “Mine is at the side of the sofa.”

“Thank you,” she sang, leaning over to snaffle the charge lead. “Ah. There we go. Now I’m going to have seventy thousand notifications pop up.”

“I told you to shut them off in the settings. You’ll feel so much freer without all that interference.”

“If only I could. I’d miss half my work. Why did I decide to work with social media?”

I walked into the kitchen, flicked the kettle on, and shouted back through the hall, “Because all the other jobs you were open to required you to wear actual clothes on a daily basis.”

“Ah,” Amber called back. “Now I remember.”

I shook my head and turned back to the kettle, pausing to grab two mugs from the cupboard. I didn’t like to dirty them unnecessarily, but I wasn’t about to plop her eyelashes out and drink from the same mug I had this morning.

Apparently, those eyelashes had had quite the night.

“Oh, no. He’s texted me! Grace! Help!”

I sighed.

The kettle reached its boiling crescendo and the click of the button switching it off reverberated through the kitchen. I hurriedly made two cups of tea, doubled back for the packet of chocolate digestives to tuck under my arm, and rushed back through as quickly as I dared.

“What did he say?” I asked, moving my elbow to drop the packet of biscuits on the sofa before I put the tea down.

“‘Thanks for a great night, sorry about the whole butt thing and having to rush off to work this morning. Are you free Friday? Apology dinner on me,’”she read. Amber slowly dragged her gaze from her phone screen to meet mine, and she was so stony-faced that if she stayed like that much longer, she’d end up turning into a gargoyle and catapulting herself to live on the side of my father’s house.

“Well. That’s thrown a spanner in the works.” I hauled my feet up onto the sofa and cradled my mug close to my chest. “What are you going to say?”

“Jesus, I don’t know, that’s why I shouted to you. You’re the one with the fancy word skills. You figure it out.”

I snorted. “Clearly you haven’t seen how much of my work I’ve deleted today if you think I have fancy word skills.”

Amber sighed. “I can’t believe he texted. I thought it was over.”

“You’re obviously a better lover than he is.”

“Well, I didn’t accidentally shove anything up his arse, that’s for sure.”

“Sounds like a second date would be good for payback,” I pointed out.

She pinched the bridge of her nose, shaking her head slightly. “I can’t believe you just said that. When would I be in a position to shove anything up a guy’s arse?”

“Aside from petty revenge? When you find someone who likes that sort of thing, I suppose.”

“I don’t know why I live with you.”

“Because I don’t charge you rent?” I offered, hiding my grin behind my mug.

Amber paused. “You’re right. You’re the best friend in the whole wide world.”

I side-eyed her.

“Don’t look at me like that. It’s not like you have a mortgage, my little nepo baby.”