“I’m home,” I call out as soon as I step into the kitchen from the garage. “Caro?” I head deeper into the house. It’s quiet, so Caro isn’t playing the piano. But usually when she’s not playing she’s waiting for me to get home near the door or comes running the moment she hears me.
I wander into the music room. She’s not there. I search the entire first floor and don’t find her, so I head up the stairs.
I’ve been at the studio today. Most weeks I work two full days and a few half days. We’ve fallen into a routine. Audrey spends more time with Caro on the days I work, which I greatly appreciate because it helps Caro stay focused and keeps her from panicking. It keeps me from worrying.
If Caro needs me, she knows she can call any time. Audrey occasionally texts me an update too. We’re a unique family, but it works for us.
“Caro?” I call out again as I approach her playroom. We turned the guest room I first slept in into a playroom with a daybed and toys and everything a Little could want. No one ever comes upstairs except the two of us, so Caro doesn’t have to worry about anyone seeing her Little side so blatantly on display.
The door is partially open and the lights are on, so I give the door a push and step into the room.
“Surprise!” Caro calls out as soon as I’m in the room.
“What’s going on here, angel?”
“It’s our sixmonthiversary,” she shouts, jumping up and down. Her pigtails bounce adorably with the movement. Her pink frilly dress flounces around too. Now I understand why she asked me to let her wear that particular dress this morning. She wouldn’t have wanted to change into it without me.
“Sixmonthiversary?” I cringe. “I didn’t have this on my calendar. I feel like a very bad Daddy.” I sweep her off the floor and plant kisses all over her face and neck before setting her back down and looking at the spread she has on her little table.
“What’s all this?” I ask.
“I made cupcakes. I mean I didn’t touch the oven or anything. Audrey made them, but I stirred and cracked the eggs and poured in the oil and water.”
I pull out a chair and sit, hauling her onto my lap. “How did I get so lucky?”
She shrugs. “You happened to know something about acoustics and now you’re mine.” She giggles as she plays with the front of my shirt.
When she squirms on my lap, I snap her bracelet. “Sit still, Little one, or I’ll drag you across the hall and tie you to the bed and no one will be having cupcakes.”
She gives me an evil grin. “Cupcakes are sometimes overrated.”
I chuckle. I learned several months ago that my Little girl likes a bit of kink in bed. I even managed to find fluffy pink ankle and wrist cuffs, which I often use to restrain her. She can orgasm several times in a row when she’s strapped down and forced to endure my mouth all over her body.
“I got you agifttoo,” she whispers.
Now I really feel foolish. I had no idea this six-month milestone was so important to her.
“Well…” Her cheeks turn pink. “It’s not tangible. But it’s something I know you want.”
When she wiggles on my lap again, I know exactly what she’s talking about. I lift my brows. “Are you offering Daddy your tight little bottom?”
She nods, biting her lower lip.
I’ve been working her bottom regularly, preparing her. It doesn’t take months of graduated plugs to stretch out a Little girl’s bottom, but that wasn’t the part I’ve been waiting for. I wanted her to be emotionally ready to give that to me.
The plugs have helped her get over the aversion of being touched in her tight hole. When she wears one, she squirms and gasps a lot, but the sensation makes her wet and needy. We’ve had our best sex on days when I put a plug in her for a few hours.
I know she’s ready, but I’ve been waiting for her to realize it.
“Can we have a scrambled night, Daddy?” she asks cautiously.
“What’s a scrambled night, angel?”
“One where we do things all out of order just for fun,” she announces. “First dessert. Then sex. Then dinner.”
I chuckle. “I think we could do that. Did Audrey already go home for the night?”