I gasp as I stare down at the two silver pieces inside the box. They are a matched set. A delicate silver necklace and bracelet. No one would ever suspect a thing when they see them. They look like ordinary jewelry comprised of flat silver discs connected together by silver chain. The discs are spaced close together.
“Will you accept this jewelry as a symbol of our commitment and connection to one another, Carolina?”
I lift my gaze to Daddy’s. “Yes, Sir.”
Master Roman sets a pillow down in front of me.
Daddy nods. “Lower to your knees, angel.”
I don’t think my kneeling could be described as graceful. I’m shaking and nervous, but Daddy helps me. When I’m situated, I tip my head back and look up at him. I’ve seen several collaring ceremonies. They never looked quite like this one, but there are no rules for collaring. Daddy obviously planned this how he wanted it to be.
“Sit back so your bottom rests on your ankles, Caro,” Daddy instructs. As I comply, he says, “Set your hands on your thighs, palms up, and lower your gaze to the floor.” He hands the jewelry box to Master Roman.
I shudder as I assume this position. It’s very submissive, and I feel the weight of this decision deeper than I would ever feel about a marriage.
Daddy sets a hand on the top of my head, guiding it lower, keeping me in position. “I give you this jewelry as a symbol of our love, angel.” He bends slightly to reach the necklace around me before clasping it at the back of my neck.
I whimper the moment it’s in place.
“Finger it, angel,” Daddy encourages. “Touch it. Close your eyes and picture it around your neck.”
It’s so moving. His voice is so reverent.
I finger one of the discs. It’s smooth and cool to the touch.
“How does it feel, angel?”
“Smooth,” I respond.
“Smooth is how I want your life to feel.”
I shiver. I want that too.
“When you touch it, you’ll remember who you belong to and how much you mean to me.” He takes my wrist from my neck and clasps the bracelet on next.
I lower my arm to stare at how pretty it is.
“I will put this jewelry on you any time you need to be in an adult situation.”
I flinch and look up at him. I don’t get to wear it all the time? I’m sure the question is in my eyes.
He smiles. “You’ll be able to rub the discs at your wrists in public and remind yourself of your headspace. When you’re home or any place where it’s safe to be Little, you’ll wear more youthful jewelry. I’ll order a variety. It will help you center in your Little space and know that your only responsibility is to obey Daddy.”
I nod. I finally understand what his plan is. It might work.
“Rise, Caro.” He takes my hand and helps me to my feet. “Head high. Shoulders back. Let everyone admire your jewelry.”
Lucy comes to me first. She kisses my cheek. “How does it feel?”
“Good, I think,” I tell her honestly.
“Give it time.” She kisses me again and moves to let the other three girls admire my necklace and bracelet.
Master Roman opens a bottle of pink champagne, but when I look closer, I realize it’s sparkling juice. He pours seven flutes and three sippy cups. He’s making a distinction as he hands the three sippy cups to Giana, Amy, and Leah before handing me and Lucy and the men a flute. He holds out his glass. “Cheers.”
We all hold out ours and respond, “Cheers.”
Daddy wraps an arm around my waist and holds me to his side as we both take a sip.