Page 80 of Accepting Love

I glance back at Daddy when I reach the stairs.

He smiles and nods. “Have fun, angel.”

I race down the stairs and join the others in the playroom. Instead of pulling out games or powering up the Ms. Pac-Man or setting up a puzzle or grabbing the crayons, we all plop down in a circle with our legs crossed and stare at each other.

Leah starts giggling first. Then everyone follows.

I laugh too, but I don’t know what we’re laughing at.

Finally, Lucy sobers. She looks at me. We all get serious. Lucy is like the queen of all things Little. She’s the gold standard by which other Littles live. She’s been living as Master Roman’s Little girl for many years. We all look up to her.

She clears her throat. “I hope you won’t be mad but Daddy told me what happened this morning when Zane gave you that pretty necklace and bracelet.”

When she points toward my wrist, I realize I’m playing with it, plucking it so that it continually snaps back against my wrist. It’s grounding.

“He also told me what you do for a living. Your Daddy was concerned and he told my Daddy and my Daddy told me. We didn’t do it to gossip behind your back or anything. We were just brainstorming ways that might help you transition back and forth better when you have to step into your adult shoes.”

I nod slowly. I’m not mad at anyone. If someone has an idea, I’m all ears.

“I’m kind of like you in a way. I go to work in a busy office most days where I have to be in my adult skin. When I first suggested doing such a thing, Daddy balked. He didn’t want me to work outside the home. He was too overprotective and smothered me. We had to negotiate. It took a long time. But eventually he understood why I needed something that was mine. Something I can be proud of. I would never want to see you slowly becoming a hermit and not wanting to do concerts and losing your talent because you’re too scared to face the world.”

A tear trickles down my cheek. She understands.

“So, I thought about it, and I came up with something that I think might work. Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe it’s too silly. But I think you should give it a chance.”

“What is it?” I ask. I sit up straighter, curious.

She smiles. “I’m not going to tell you. You’ll find out later today after dinner.”

Everyone gasps. “Seriously?” Leah groans. “You big tease.”

Lucy giggles. “I don’t want to ruin the surprise. Let’s have a fun afternoon together, and then everyone will find out at the same time.”

“Except you.” Amy is sitting next to Lucy and she gives her a playful shove.

“Except me,” Lucy declares. “And I’m sorry about my entrance. It’s a coincidence that I was already in trouble for hitting the trashcan. I know Daddy’s palm is itching to spank me, but he’s being generous in making me wait until we get home because I’m here to help Hannah.”

I smile, feeling stronger. I hold out a hand to Lucy. I’m sure she’s already heard my name, but I still want to introduce myself. “Carolina Fraser.”

Everyone giggles as Lucy shakes my hand. “Nice to meet you, Carolina. What a pretty name.”

“I’ll still be Hannah at the club.”

“Of course.” Lucy nods. “And you’re not the only one. There are many members who use a club name. Never feel weird about it.”

“Thank you for being so kind while I figure this out.”

“Any time.” Lucy pushes to standing. “Who’s going to let me beat them in Ms. Pac-Man?”



I’m on pins and needles by the time dinner is over. I barely touched my food because I’m too busy wondering what’s going to happen now that we’re done eating.

Lucy knows, and I’m guessing all the Daddies know, but the rest of the Littles are as clueless as me.

After dinner, Daddy takes me upstairs and into the bathroom. He removes my pigtails before he takes off my clothes.