I shoot her a look. “Arms at your sides. I told you no playing with your nipples.”
She gasps. “I’m not playing with myself,” she argues.
“I don’t have any way of knowing the difference when you use your forearms to squeeze your tits, Little one, so don’t do it. Playing, squeezing, pressing them against anything. All are off-limits.”
She shivers as she drops her arms to her sides. “That’s going to be a difficult rule to follow.”
“You’ll figure it out.” I wink at her and then head for her drawers. I open all of them, one at a time, learning where she keeps things. She’s very tidy and organized. I head to the closet next and thumb through her hanging clothes.
She has a lot of outfits that suit her Little. I’ll buy her more.
I love learning her tastes.
“I have to practice this morning,” I inform Daddy. “I usually wear jeans and a T-shirt.”
“Is that so?” he says in an odd voice.
I sigh. “Yeah.”
“Are jeans a mandatory part of your practice outfit?”
“No. They’re just comfortable and easy.”
“What parts are mandatory?”
“My shoes. I don’t like to play barefoot or in socks. No flip-flops either. I wear tennis shoes when I’m at home. Sometimes I wear ballet flats just to remind my feet how to manage them for concerts.”
He squats down to the floor and looks at the rows of my shoes on the rack. He lifts up a pair of white tennis shoes. “These?”
By the time he has everything gathered he wants me to wear, I’m a ball of nervous energy.
He has chosen panties and socks from one drawer, a long-sleeved pink T-shirt from another drawer, and jeggings from my closet. The outfit will be comfortable, and it’s something I would have chosen.
“Come, Little one.” He carries his pile into the bathroom and sets it all on the vanity before finding a washcloth in my linen closet and wetting it with warm water at the sink.
I assume he’s going to wash my face, so I’m shocked and unnerved when he points at the vanity. “Hands on the counter. Spread your legs, Little one.”
My heart races as I obey him, and I hold my breath as he carefully wipes my arousal away from between my legs. When he’s done, I’m shaking and aroused all over again.
He squats in front of me and holds out my panties first. “Step in, Little one.”
I grab his shoulders for balance and lift first one foot and then the other into the panties. As he pulls them up my legs, I purse my lips. His face is inches from my pussy. He’s been intimate with me down there. It’s fresh in my mind. I want him to touch me again. I don’t want to get dressed and go have breakfast.
I want to see his body. I want to explore. “Will you let me put my mouth on you soon? Like you did me?”
He lifts his gaze to look up at me as he helps me into my jeggings. “Soon.”
I sigh. “I don’t know you well enough to know what soon means.”
He chuckles. “Soonyou will,” he teases. He holds my shirt over my head. “Arms up.”
“You forgot my bra.”