“Nothing. I woke up. I was lonely. Can I get in bed with you?”
It may be the poorest decision I make all day, but I can’t deny her. I pull the covers back and scoot over before patting the space next to me.
She sets a knee on the bed and crawls up, scrambling to get close.
Luckily, I’m still wearing my sweatpants. I ditched the T-shirt last night, but I have at least the barrier between my morning hard-on and her sweet pussy.
I pull her close to my chest, set my face in her hair, and inhale her scent. She uses some sort of floral shampoo that has always reminded me of her. She’s used it as long as I’ve known her. I can’t get enough of it. I hope she never changes it.
“Did you sleep well, Little one?” I rub her back and pull her closer. We’re chest to chest. Her soft breasts are pressing against me.
“Yes, but I would have slept better with you.”
I smile against her neck. “How do you know that? How many men have you slept with?” I tease.
“Mmm. Well, there was…”
I tip her head back and meet her gaze. I’m pretty sure she’s kidding, but I need to make certain.
She giggles. “I’m teasing, Daddy. No men or women. I’ve never even had a girlfriend spend the night. I was too weird for girlfriends even when I was young.”
“You’re not weird, Little one. You’re Little. It’s just who you are.”
She shrugs. “Well, other girls would have found me weird, so I avoided them.”
“I understand, but keep in mind that other girls have fetishes too. A fraction of the people you see every day are also secretly Little. And many others live under the fetish umbrella in some capacity of either submission or dominance.”
She smiles as she trails a finger along my chest absently. It’s the sweetest touch in the world. “You know how they say to picture an audience naked so you’ll have the courage to perform on stage?”
“Yes. I’ve heard that. Does it work?”
“I don’t know. I’ve never done it. I picture them all as Littles.”
I chuckle. “Brilliant.”
“Sometimes when I glance at the audience, I’m surprised they’re even looking my direction. After all, if they’re really Little, I would expect them to be distracted and fidgeting. Kicking their feet, picking their noses.” She giggles again. “I’m silly.”
“You’re brilliant,” I state again.
“Do you have to go to work this morning?” she asks tentatively.
“Nope. I’m all yours. I’ll check in with my employees a few times, but they can manage without me for a while.”
“Are you going to stay here with me?”
“That’s my intention. Is that okay?”
“You’re giving me a choice?” Her expression is mischievous.
I flip her onto her back, grab her wrists, and pin her arms down above her head.
She gasps and squirms, fighting a smile.
The teasing banter is a thing of daydreams, but I want to be clear on a few things. “Listen to me, Little one.” I keep my voice light and playful, but I’m also serious.
“I’m listening.” Her voice is breathy.
“Like I told you last night, I’m going to dominate you in every way that makes you squirm. I’m going to pick out your clothes and dress you. I’m going to cook you breakfast and sit you down and make sure you eat a proper meal. I’m going to boss you around every chance I get so you feel every inch of my dominance every moment of the day. I’m going to do all of that because the suggestion is making your breath hitch and your pussy wet. Do you understand?”