“Can I stay up a little bit longer?” she asks. She’s testing me.
“Only if you want it to be because I’m spanking your already sore bottom. Do you need ten more swats?”
“No, Sir.” She scampers onto the bed, carefully keeping her nightgown over her bottom.
I pull the covers up over her and tuck her in. Suddenly she lifts up onto her elbows and looks around. “Can you find Cheeto?”
“My stuffed lion.”
I lift a few of the pillows and catch sight of an orange tail. As soon as I uncover him and hand him to Caro, she tugs him under the covers and smiles at me. “Thank you.”
“Any time.” I lean over and kiss her forehead.
She reaches out and grabs my hand. “Will you kiss me on the lips again?”
I sit on the edge of the bed. This is probably a bad idea, but I can’t deny her. Holding myself above her with a hand on either side of her head, I lower my mouth to hers and kiss her with all the passion I feel, a deep thorough kiss that will leave her wanting.
It will also leave me wanting.
When I finally pull back, she sighs. “You’re the best kisser in the world.”
“Compared to who?” I tease.
She shrugs. “Don’t need to compare you to anyone. I just know.”
“Good. There won’t be any comparing. I’ll make sure you never feel dissatisfied enough to think you need to sample anyone else’s lips.”
She giggles. “I won’t.” She plays with the front of my shirt. “Maybe you should sleep in here and protect me from monsters.”
I love how her cheeks pinken at the suggestion. I chuckle. “I’ll check under the bed first, but I bet you’ll be fine.”
“This is happening so fast, and part of me is freaking out, but another part of me wants you to just move into my bed and stay,” she admits.
I’m glad she feels that way. “I know, Little one. I feel the same.” I stroke a lock of hair from her forehead. “Do you have a nightlight?”
She nods. “When you turn off the lights, it will come on.”
“Good. I wouldn’t want you to run into anything if you get up in the night.”
“You won’t be mad if I get up, will you? I do sometimes.”
“You mentioned that. I won’t be mad.” I glance at the nightstand. “I will, however, discipline you in ways you will not like if you even think of opening that drawer or using your fingers to touch yourself.”
She shivers. “I won’t. I promise.”
“Good girl. I want to own your orgasms.”
She shudders a bit more. “That’s so…sexy.”
I smile. “That’s the plan.”
“How long are you going to make me wait?”
“We’ll see.” I’m noncommittal because I have no idea. If I say something definitive, I will have to stick to it. I don’t think I have the willpower to last very long. I’d rather play it by ear.
“You saw me naked and I didn’t see you naked,” she points out, still staring at my shirt, but adding a slight pout to her pretty lips.