Page 24 of Accepting Love

As I start to step farther into the room, he grabs my hand and tugs me back. “I’ve only given you one rule so far, Little one.” He lifts a brow.

I wince. “Sorry, Sir.” I can be Little here. I can be myself. I can submit without worrying about anyone finding out.

His eyes are dancing with mirth as he turns to look around. “It was nice of Audrey to clean up after you. You should thank her in the morning.”

“Of course I will,” I assure him.

He releases me and leaves me wringing my fingers together while he wanders through my room. “Your space is very Little.”

“Yeah. It’s my space. No one but Audrey sees it.” I can’t tell exactly what he’s thinking. If he were any other man, I would never have let him into my private suite, but he’s Zane. He knows I’m Little. He likes me that way. I don’t believe for a moment he would be surprised or judgmental.

“You like pink,” he points out as he fingers the edge of my ruffled bedspread.

I nod. “It’s my favorite color.” I have white furniture with soft pink bedding, pillows, and curtains. The floor is hardwood, and I have a large pink oval rug in the middle.

He sits on the edge of my bed and reaches for me. “Come here, Little one.”

I go to him, feeling timid and uncertain.

He pulls me between his legs, removes my sweater, and rubs his hands up and down my arms. “Would you mind if I stayed the night in one of your guest rooms?”

I shake my head. I kind of like the idea. Suddenly, I hate the thought of him leaving. It feels strange.

“What time do you usually go to bed?”

“Ten.” I know it’s not ten now. It’s only about eight. We weren’t gone that long. We headed for the restaurant before five-thirty.

“What time do you get up?”

I shrug. “Six or seven. I don’t set an alarm, but I also sometimes don’t sleep all night. I wake up thinking about a piece and have to play it.”

He smiles. “You play in the night?”

“Yes. It’s easier for me now that Audrey isn’t sleeping in the main house. I don’t have to worry about disturbing her. I’ll probably wake you. If that’s a problem—”

He cuts me off with a finger to my lips. “Never. I’m not a deep sleeper anyway. If I wake to melodious music, I’ll be smiling.”

“’K.” I stare at the front of his shirt, feeling awkward.

“You have a TV in here.”

“I never watch it,” I tell him. “It just seemed like I should install it, so I did. There’s one in the guest room too if you’d like to watch something.”

“I was thinking we could watch together. How about if I help you get ready for bed and then change into comfortable sweats, and we find something to watch?”

I smile. “That sounds nice. I thought you were going to give me a list of rules and stuff.”

He chuckles. “So anxious for the rules, Little one?”

My face heats. “Of course not.”

He spreads his hand on my lower back. “It’s been a stressful day. I’ve tossed a lot at you. I’ve turned your world upside down like a steamroller. How about if we save rules for tomorrow. I’d like to simply hold you and spend time with you in a relaxed way tonight.”


“Do you bathe at night or in the morning?”

“At night. It relaxes me.”