Page 64 of Accepting Love

“Sometimes we get carried away when the only guests we have are friends,” Leah says, explaining away the afternoon.

A throat clears in the doorway as Craig joins us next. “Sometimes my palm gets carried away spanking your naughty bottom when you make excuses.” He lifts a brow.

Leah jumps to her feet. “We were basically done anyway. I should probably check and see if there are any emails or messages that need to be addressed.”

Craig snags her arm and hauls her back as she whizzes past him. He points at the dominos. “You should clean up first instead of leaving the mess for our guests. Besides, I already checked all the messages and emails. Everything is fine.”

“Oh, good. Thank you, Daddy.” She rises onto her toes and kisses him. “Can we still have a movie night tonight?”

“That’s up to your guests. You should ask Giana and Hannah what they want to do.”

“A movie sounds fun,” I say while Giana nods. “I’ve never watched a movie in a home theater like that.”

“Can we have popcorn?” Amy asks.

“I’m sure that can be arranged.” Craig tugs one of Leah’s braids. “I’m curious what you girls were plotting in here in our absence.” His eyes are twinkling with mirth.

Daddy laughs. “When I walked in they were discussing fate. They even concocted a lengthy lie to explain it.”

“Mmm.” Craig rubs his chin. “It will seem like fate if four naughty Little girls end up with sore bottoms because they plotted mischief.”

Leah groans. “Daddy… We did not plot mischief. I promise. We were just talking. I haven’t done one single naughty thing all day.”

“Do you think you can make it all the way until bedtime without itching to get into trouble?”

“Of course I can.” Leah gives one solid nod. She holds out a hand as if to shake Craig’s. “Want to bet on it?”

He chuckles and takes a step back. “Bet on you behaving for the rest of the day? What are the stakes?”

She cocks her head to one side. “Hmm.” Then her eyes light up. “Soda for everyone during the movie.”

He laughs. “Not a chance. We’d have total bedlam around here into the wee hours of the night if you girls had caffeine in the evening.”

“How about lemon-lime soda?” she proposes.

He narrows his gaze. “We’ll see.”

Leah jumps up and down. “Yay!”

“I said we’ll see.” Craig groans as if he’s been bulldozed. “All four of you have to make it until the opening credits without mischief for me to consider it. In addition, I’ll have to talk to the other Daddies first. I’m not making sugary soda decisions for other people’s Little girls.”

I shift my attention to Daddy, eyes wide. I don’t usually drink soda. It’s too sweet. I don’t care for it. But in this case, I love the challenge. I want him to agree.

He snickers. “It’s okay with me, but only one cup and it will be in a spill-proof sippy cup, and no whining about wanting more when it’s gone.”

I feel like I step completely out of my body while he speaks. It’s so surreal. I’ve made a lifestyle choice in which I’ve turned over my decisions to another person, and he’s taking it very seriously.

My tummy feels funny.

Daddy winks at me as if he understands how I feel, which continues to surprise me. How does he know?

There are six people in the room all playing along in this age-play game. It’s not even a game for any of them. It’s a twenty-four/seven lifestyle. It’s sinking in hard now that I’m surrounded by others also living in my shoes.

It’s one thing to be at home where it’s usually just me and Daddy. Sometimes Audrey wanders through, but she never interferes. In a few short days, I’ve gotten used to Daddy telling me what to do. He controls my every move. He dresses me and brushes my teeth. He makes sure I eat and speaks to me authoritatively as if I’m five.

It makes butterflies jump in my stomach every day. I woke up to him smiling at me this morning. I was instantly his Little girl. I enjoy every moment.

I understand why he wanted to bring me here. He wanted to normalize age play. He wanted me to see that I’m not alone. There are others living like me. It’s comforting. He was right to bring me here.