Page 60 of Accepting Love

Craig joins me. “It’s one of the reasons everyone tends to congregate in the kitchen of this old mansion. The wall of windows facing the back is mesmerizing. It never gets old. I still like to stand here and stare.”

“It’s true,” Kendric agrees.

Directly behind the house is the pool and hot tub in addition to several glass tables and chairs. Beyond that is nothing but trees and mountains. I see paths leading into the tree line and off to one side a few cabins.

Craig points in that direction. “The cabins were originally built for staff decades ago. Foster and Amy live in the largest one just out of sight. The others get used when we’re having construction done or a variety of different types of visitors who might not be here with a Little.”

“What’s in the basement?” I ask.

Craig heads that way. “Come on. I’ll show you.”

I can hear the girls as we descend. I’m impressed as I get the tour. There’s a theater, a playroom, and a studio, which Craig informs me is used for dance classes, yoga, aerobics, or whatever activity they desire.

Hannah comes out of the playroom with the others and wanders toward the piano in the corner of the studio. She runs her hand over the top longingly. I suspect she’s in withdrawal from not playing all morning. It’s only about ten. There’s still plenty of time before lunch if she wants to play.

She looks toward me, and I feel proud to realize I can already read her expressions. A combination of two things is projected from her eyes. One is a question. She’s asking me if she has permission to play. The other is fear. She’s worried about the questions the other Littles are going to bombard her with when they find out how talented she is.

I come to her and pull her back against my front, resting a hand between her breasts. I meet everyone’s gaze as they look in our direction. I’m sure it’s obvious by our stance that we have something to say. I begin. “Hannah will want to play the piano while we’re here.”

The variety of expressions on everyone’s face is priceless. Confusion and intrigue rank high.

Hannah tips her head back to look at me. “You tell them, Daddy.”

I frown. “You sure?” How much does she want me to tell them? We discussed this over the past few days. She realizes it’s not going to take long for everyone to ask so many questions that she has no choice but to spill the beans, but she doesn’t have to do so immediately.

She nods.

I look back at the expectant faces. “Hannah plays like an angel. You will all be mesmerized. The first time I heard her, I thought my knees would collapse. So fair warning.” I smile.

Giana is the first to react. She turns toward Kendric, and they exchange a look. When she turns back to face Hannah, she says, “I have a confession. I hope you won’t be mad at me.”

Hannah stiffens in my arms.

“I saw you play once,” she murmurs. “I never said anything because it didn’t seem right. You were entitled to your privacy. If you had wanted me to know, you would have told me.”

Hannah starts trembling. “Oh.” She reaches up to wipe at her eyes as tears crest. “I’m sorry. Areyoumad atme?”

Giana’s eyes go wide. “Of course not. Like I said, you had every right to keep any secret you wanted about your life outside of the club. What happens at Surrender stays at Surrender. I was surprised when I saw you, but also super proud that I know you.” She grins.

“Where did you see her?” Leah asks in confusion. She glances back and forth between Hannah and Giana.

Giana looks toward Hannah. She’s such a good friend that she won’t disclose even that unless Hannah approves.

“You can tell her,” Hannah whispers.

“At the symphony hall,” Giana responds.

There is a collective gasp.

Leah’s eyes are bugging out. “The symphony hall?”

Hannah is shaking in my arms, so I hold her tighter. She keeps swiping at her eyes too. This is an emotional revelation for her.

Kendric pulls Giana against his chest while Craig does the same with Leah. The Littles need some support. I suspect the Daddies are shocked too, although it would seem Kendric also knows Hannah’s secret.

That is confirmed when Giana continues, “Daddy took me for my birthday. Your Daddy is right. You do play like an angel. I’m so glad we get to hear you this week. Like our own private concert.” She grins.

Leah breaks free of Craig and comes toward Hannah. I release Hannah in time for Leah to give her a hug. When she leans back, she meets Hannah’s gaze, holding her shoulders. “Thank you for trusting us with your secret. We would never tell a soul. What happens at Blossom Ridge also stays at Blossom Ridge, and we are so honored that we’ll get to hear you.”