When I step inside, Daddy is already there. He’s alone. He shuts the door, locks it, and plasters me to it.
I’m breathing heavily as he searches my gaze, his hands planted on either side of my head against the door.
“That was the most moving, beautiful experience of my life, Caro.”
I can’t move or speak.
“You were phenomenal. You have a gift like no other.”
“Thank you, Sir.” We’re not at home, but we’re alone, and I can’t speak to him any other way.
He cups the side of my face and runs his thumb along my bottom lip. “I want to kiss you so badly, but I’d mess up your lip gloss and probably your makeup, so I’ll wait until we get home.”
“Maybe I need to be a bit messed up,” I taunt.
He chuckles. “I don’t think it would just be a bit. If I put my mouth on you, your hair will end up all over the place, your skin will be flushed, and I might even rip this perfect dress.”
I’m breathing heavily. “Daddy…” I’m so aroused now that my legs are shaking. “I need to hang this dress up and put on my street clothes. Help me change?”
He shoves off the door and shakes his head. “Not a chance, Little one. I’ll wait in the hallway. I’ll have Audrey come help you. I’m sure she’s standing outside this door.”
I pout. I know it’s irrational, but I want his hands on me. I want him to take this dress off. I want him to remove the sexy bra and panty set too.
He rubs my lip with his thumb. “Don’t try to manipulate me with that pout, angel. I’ll go get the car.” He gives me a kiss that’s far too brief and far too light. It has no satisfaction behind it.
Two seconds later, he’s gone and Audrey is in his place. She’s grinning. “You did fabulously, as usual, Caro.”
“Thank you.” I give her my back so she can unzip my dress, and I quickly change into black slacks and a purple sweater. It’s what I wore to get here. I always try to arrive at and leave a venue looking nice but not completely formal in case fans want a picture or autograph.
Fifteen minutes later, we’re exiting the side door where Kingston is standing next to his SUV. He opens both the front and the rear passenger doors before taking the hanger and my makeup bag from Audrey.
It’s all so efficient as if the three of us have done this orchestrated routine dozens of times for years. That’s how Kingston operates. He has inserted himself in our lives seamlessly as if he’s always been here.
He rounds the SUV to open the other passenger door so he can hang my dress on the hook inside the door. After stashing my bag in the seat, he shuts that door. Meanwhile, Audrey has climbed into the back seat and I have climbed into the front.
We’re all settled and ready to go when Kingston joins us to pull away from the curb. “You were truly amazing. I’m in awe of your talent, Little one.” He takes my hand and holds it against the console.
I smile, blushing at how many times he’s gushed over me. “Thank you,” I repeat for the millionth time.
The ride is quiet, though he glances at me often. The look in his eyes is full of promise. He still wants to rip my clothes off. I hope he makes good on that silent promise.
When we get home, Audrey mumbles about having some things she needs to do in her apartment and scurries off in that direction.
Daddy leads me into the house. “Upstairs, angel,” he encourages.
I lead the way, him following with my dress and bag. He hangs my dress in the closet and sets my bag in the bathroom before returning to me where I’m standing nervously in the middle of the room.
His expression is serious as he cups my face and tips my head back. He searches my gaze. I know what he’s looking for.
“Make love to me,” I tell him.
“Are you sure?”
“Never been more sure of anything.” I asked him to claim me last night and the night before. He refused both times because he said he didn’t want to “fuck with my head” before a performance. That’s behind me now.
“I won’t be able to let you go after I’ve been inside you,” he warns.
“Would you be able to let me go now?”