“Maybe, but it’s true.” She turns and points at the island. “Sit. You need to eat.”
“Yes, Ma’am.” I climb onto my stool and notice a few changes. My juice is in a plastic tumbler. My silverware is chubby and plastic and oddly adult sized. When she turns around to set my plate down in front of me, it’s also plastic. Pink. It matches the set. “Where did you get all this?”
“It was on the island when I came in this morning.” She smiles. “I assume your Daddy put it there.”
My Daddy… It’s jarring for her to say it like that.
She points at my food. “Let it cool down a moment, Caro. It’s hot.” The scrambled eggs and sausage are indeed steaming.
“Yes, Ma’am.” I take a drink of my juice. I’ve woken up in another dimension. It’s comfortable but scary.
“Did you sleep well last night? I didn’t hear the piano at three a.m.”
I pick up my fork and play with my eggs. “I guess I did.” I hadn’t thought about it, but she’s right. I didn’t wake up restless.
She chuckles. “Or did someone tell you to stay in bed during the night?”
I shake my head. “No. He said it was okay.”
“I saidwhatwas okay?” Daddy’s voice fills the room as he comes behind me, palms my shoulders, and leans over to kiss my neck.
I giggle and scrunch up my shoulders when his breath tickles me.
“What did I say was okay?” he encourages.
“That I play piano in the middle of the night.”
“You didn’t last night,” he points out.
“Maybe you’re a good influence,” Audrey states. She turns toward the stove. “Would you like sausage and eggs?”
“That would be wonderful.” He rounds the island to join her. “I don’t expect you to cook for me, Audrey.”
She fills a plate and hands it to him. “It’s no problem at all. I cook every morning. I was just telling Caro that you and I will discuss what you want me to do for her going forward.”
“I’d like that. Thank you.” He sets his plate on the island. “And thanks for making coffee too.” He rounds her to fill a mug before joining me on the stool next to mine.
“Thank you for the plate and cup and silverware,” I tell him.
“You’re welcome. I thought you might like it.”
When I reach for my cup, he stops me with a hand to my wrist. “Two hands, Little one.”
My breath hitches. How do his words affect me so much? His subtle dominance slays me. I squirm as I reach for my cup with both hands.
“Good girl.”
“What’s the plan for today?” Audrey asks.
I glance at the clock on the wall. “I’m going to practice for a few hours.” I jerk my gaze to Daddy after my announcement, eyes wide, uncertain if I’m allowed to make such a pronouncement.
He sets a hand on mine. “Of course you are. You don’t need permission to practice, Little one. You don’t need permission to do anything that pertains to your career. All I ask is that you fill me in on the schedule.”
Audrey is nodding. “It’s all on the calendar on the wall in the office. Practice schedule and concerts and events. I’ll show it to you.”
“Thank you. If you have some time this morning, you can give me the rundown. If that’s okay? I don’t want to step on your feet.”
Audrey waves a hand through the air. “Of course not. We’ll talk while Caro practices.”