Page 31 of Accepting Love

There is no graceful way to climb up and keep my pussy covered, so I simply do it quickly and tug my nightgown under me as he pulls me into his side.

With my arm across his chest, I settle my cheek on his shoulder. It feels so good. I wish I could have this every night. Maybe I can. Maybe I’ve lost a few marbles and I’m making the biggest mistake of my life.

If this goes badly, I’ll be devastated.

But what if it goes perfectly?



I cherish every moment of my time with Carolina. She’s precious beyond my dreams. I know she’s worried. I don’t blame her. Anyone would be. All I can do is prove to her that I’m a man of my word.

I can and will do that, one day at a time.

I hold her close, rubbing her back with my hand as she slowly relaxes against me. After a bit of channel surfing, we settle on a funny romcom we’ve both seen.

Every time she giggles against me, I smile. I can feel the vibrations throughout my body. She’s soft and warm and so fucking Little. A dream come true.

Sure, I’m nervous. I’m worried about a lot of things. I need to be careful to move at a pace that doesn’t make her panic. I know part of her wishes I would touch her intimately tonight, but that’s not in the cards. I don’t want to rush her. I want her fully caught up with me when I first make her come at my hands.

I’m certain her head is spinning from everything I’ve thrown at her today. I think she’s handling it all, but she does not need more even if she thinks she does.

My cock has been hard all day, but it’s been unbearable since I opened that nightstand drawer. I’m glad I was sitting on the edge of the bed. My knees might have collapsed.

The thought of her holding any of those vibrators against her pussy makes me itch to spread her out on the bed and feast on her soft folds. I wonder if she sometimes inserts the thin dildo while holding one of the other clitoral stimulators against her swollen nub.

Does she cry out when she comes? How long does it take her to reach orgasm? Can she come more than once in a session?

Has she come home from Surrender on nights I’ve spanked her and touched herself? Most importantly, does she ever think of me when she masturbates?

I want all those answers, but asking her would have embarrassed her far more than the few questions she did answer. Besides, I’d only be fueling my own ego. There’s no need. She won’t be masturbating alone ever again if I have a say in it.

It’s a good thing I’ve seen this romcom. I know how it ends in case she questions me because I have not paid attention to it. All my focus has been on her. Since her cheek is against my chest, I’ve been able to stare down at her for an hour and a half.

I love how she absently plays with my shirt above my pecs with her fingers. I love the way she giggles at the funny parts, shaking against me. I love the feel of her soft skin as I stroke her arm and how her legs rub against each other every few minutes.

Her legs are so soft, which tells me she shaved this afternoon before I picked her up. Her pussy was recently shaved too. I nearly swallowed my tongue when I saw it.

I smile as I enjoy the press of her breasts against me. Soft and small. A handful. I can’t wait to worship them with my mouth.

It’s going to kill me to tuck her into bed alone and leave this room, but it’s the right thing to do. At least for tonight. I’m not sure how long I can hold off claiming her, but I need to. Not just because she’s a virgin but also because I want to establish a firm foundation that isn’t based on sex between us.

As the credits play across the screen, I glance at the clock. It’s nine forty-five. I give Caro a light squeeze and then kiss the top of her head. “Time for bed, Little one.”

She groans and holds on to me. “But I’m cozy.”

I chuckle. “You’ll still be cozy under the covers.” I slide us both to the edge of the bed and lift her onto her feet. “Go potty and brush your teeth.”

She frowns.

“Do you need help with either of those?”

Her eyes widen, and she shakes her head. “No, Sir.”

I turn her around and pat her bottom. “Then I suggest you go before I decide to come with you and supervise.” In the future, I do intend to be in the bathroom when she pees and brush her teeth for her, but not tonight. I’ve thrown too much at her.

When she returns, I pat the side of the bed.