Page 26 of Accepting Love

He trails a finger along the edge of lace between my breasts and down my belly to do the same thing along the edge below my belly button. Finally his hands come to the small of my back and he unfastens the bra.

I hold my breath as it falls down my arms. He eases it off me and drops it on top of my dress without looking away. His hands slide up my sides until his thumbs brush the undersides of my breasts. “You are simply beautiful, Caro.”

I can’t breathe. I’m panting. Nothing could have prepared me for his reaction. It’s better than anything I’ve ever read in a book. My legs are shaking, and they almost won’t hold me up as he lowers his hands to slide my panties over my hips and down to the floor.

His hands slide up my thighs and hold me steady with his thumbs between my legs, precariously close to my sex. “You’re exquisite, Caro.”

I rise onto my toes and gasp when he slides his thumbs even closer to my folds.

“You shave.”

I nod. “I like how it feels,” I murmur.

“I like it too. Let’s get you in the tub before I lose my resolve.” He sets me back a bit and stands to lean over and turn off the water.

I squeak when he unexpectedly lifts me off the floor by my hips and sets me in the tub. “On your bottom, Little one.”

I sit, still shivering even though the water is plenty warm and has risen up my waist.

Kingston opens the door at the bottom of the vanity and pulls out a pail of toys. It’s like he’s psychic, but I’m glad.

I giggle when he hands me a Barbie in a swimsuit. “What’s her name?”

“Penelope.” I dunk her under water. He makes everything feel less awkward than it should, as if this is totally normal.

He glances at my hair. “Should I pull your hair up into a clip? Or do you want me to wash it?”

I’m surprised I totally forgot about my hair. The ends are dangling in the water. “Pull it up, please. There’s a scrunchy in my drawer.”

He opens the drawer and pulls out a pink scrunchy before stepping closer to my back to remove the clip, gather my hair, and secure it on top of my head in a messy bun.

He reaches for a washcloth and my bath soap.

“Daddy, you forgot my bubble bath.” I gasp the moment the words come out of my mouth.

He freezes, his eyes locked on mine.

I wish I could look away, but I can’t. I’m stuck staring at him, shocked. He is too, but a slow smile spreads.

“That’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard,” he tells me. “Say it again.”

I chew on my lip nervously.

He cups my face with one hand and holds me so that I can’t look away. “Say it again, Little one.”

“You forgot my bubble bath, Daddy,” I murmur.

He smiles wider before he kisses me. It doesn’t last long. Just long enough to make my heart race before he turns to the cabinet and grabs the bubble bath. He’s still grinning as he turns the water back on to let the bubble bath drizzle through the flow.

The tub fills up with bubbles, making me giggle. “Daddy!” The bubbles are everywhere. They’re going to flow over the sides.

He chuckles as he finally stops.

Bubbles are up to my neck. “Why did you do that, silly Daddy.” I lift my hands up and play with the popping bubbles in the air. They are floating all around me.

“Because I needed to cover your sexy body, Caro,” he tells me, eyes pinned on me again.

“Oh.” I squirm. I’m underwater, but the wetness between my legs is not from the bath. I squeeze my thighs together.