Page 18 of Accepting Love

As soon as we step outside, he locks my door and pockets my keys without a word.

I giggle when I see his car. “What is that?”

“A Lamborghini. Have you ever ridden in one?”

I shake my head. “Never.”

“Then you’re in for a treat. I don’t drive it often. Mostly it sits in my garage. But it feels perfect for date night.”

“Do you even fit inside it?” I giggle.

He opens the passenger door and guides me inside, laughing. “I fold.” He pulls my seatbelt across my body and fastens it before easing his head back out and shutting my door.

I feel like a princess. I hope I don’t turn into a pumpkin at midnight.

After Zane settles in his seat, he turns on the heater. “Your legs are going to get cold.”

That would be reasonable since it’s chilly outside, but my entire body is hot from being near him. I don’t think cold is going to be in my vocabulary tonight.

Zane pulls out of the driveway, and I glance at him. “I don’t even know how to think of you. Zane? Kingston? Mr. Slade?”

He poses a question of his own. “Daddy?”

I roll that over in my head. “Okay, I can do that in my head. Eventually I can do it in private. But what do I call you in public? And how do I keep it straight? You’re just Zane to me. I can’t erase two years of thinking of you as Zane.”

He reaches over and wraps his hand around mine, his knuckles grazing my bare thigh and making me aware of the fact that my dress is short. “I know it’s weird. I don’t think of you as Carolina either. Or the famous Ms. Fraser. And I noticed Audrey calls you Caro.”

“She’s the only one,” I point out. “No one else calls me that.”

“Maybe you could add me to that short list?”

“Do you like the name Caro?” I ask.

“I think it suits you. When we’re among vanilla folks, we’ll have to adapt Kingston and Caro. At the club, we’re still Zane and Hannah.” He gives my hand a squeeze. “At home, we’re Daddy and whatever nickname I choose for you, Little one.”

I love his tone and the way he calls me Little one. It sends chills down my spine. He has always called me that when I’ve spoken to him at Surrender, and it’s always given me shivers. It’s weird now though. We’re not at Surrender.

I sit quietly fidgeting while he drives. I don’t even pay attention to where we are when he comes to a stop and shuts off the engine. He turns to fully face me and takes my hand again. “You got quiet.”

“I’m nervous.”

“I’m going to do everything in my power to make you feel calm and protected.”

I nod, probably too rapidly.

“We need a secret word,” he suggests.

“Like a safeword?”

“More like a panic word. Something you can say to me that will let me know you’re not comfortable in a situation and want me to remove you without making a scene.”

I draw in a slow breath and force a smile. He gets it. That alone makes me feel better. “Wine.”

“Wine?” He grins.

“Yeah, I don’t like wine. If I ask for some, you’ll know I’m uncomfortable.”

He nods. “Got it. Wine will work. What does Audrey do when you’re with her?”