“You don’t know anything about me. What if you realize you don’t like me?” She flattens her palms on my chest, but she’s stiff.
“That’s not true. I’ve known you for two years. The only thing I didn’t know was what you did for a living.”
“Hannah is a persona. She’s not real.”
I step even closer. “I bet Hannah is more real than Carolina.”
She sighs. “Probably, but I don’t think you grasp how needy I am.”
I chuckle. “I’m a Daddy. Your neediness fuels me. My perfect life partner needs to be able to defer to me and let me take care of her.” I close the distance, set my lips on her ear, and whisper, “That’s you.”
She shivers adorably. “Let’s just see how you feel after a few dates,” she hedges.
I grin at her. “We can go on a date every day of the week if you want, Little one, but I plan to be around a lot more than that.”
She chews on her bottom lip for a moment. “You’ll break my heart.”
“Never.” I want to kiss her. I want those pouty lips against mine. But I resist. I’ll kiss her tonight after our date. Once I kiss her, I know I’ll never be able to stop. I’ll be kissing her every time I’m near her for the rest of my life.
“Don’t you have to work?” she asks.
“Suddenly the studio feels like it can run itself for a while. I’m rearranging my priorities.” I grin.
When she sinks her teeth into her lower lip again, I can’t resist the urge to pull it free with my thumb.
She stares at me with wide eyes, her mouth open. Finally, she jerks her gaze away. “I should get back to practicing.”
“Okay. I’ll let myself out and see you when I pick you up for dinner. How’s five?”
She nods. “Okay.”
I lift her down from the stool and pat her bottom. “Go make music, pretty girl.”
I love the giggle that escapes her lips as she scampers from the room. I remain in my spot, staring at the empty doorway, inhaling her lingering scent, waiting for the melodious tunes to begin.
When she starts playing, I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I need to pinch myself to believe this is happening.
“My goodness, Caro. It’s like a tornado in here.”
I glance up to find Audrey standing in the doorway to my bedroom. “I know. I’m a mess. I don’t know what to wear. I don’t know how to act. I can’t even believe this is happening.” I run my hands through my hair.
She chuckles. I don’t think she’s stopped smiling since Zane arrived this morning.
“It’s not funny,” I insist. “I should cancel. I should call him and tell him I don’t feel well.” I glance around, looking for my cell phone. Maybe it’s on my bed. Actually, I’m not sure when I last saw it. I rarely use it. Who would I call?
I suck at social media, but since it’s a necessary evil for me to have a presence, I log into my accounts every few days and respond to fans, but usually on my computer.
“Do you have his number?” Audrey asks, still chuckling.
“Shit. No.” I shoot her a narrowed glare. “But you do.”
She lifts both brows. “Get dressed. You’re going.”
“I don’t date. I’m too awkward. I’ll say something ridiculous and make a fool out of myself.” I gasp. “Or worse. I’ll embarrass him.”