I watch her while I take a big bite of my sandwich. She’s picking at hers. Nibbling. Nervous.
“Eat, Little one. You can’t practice the piano all afternoon on an empty stomach.”
She draws in a breath and takes another bite. “Happy?” she says with her mouth full.
I chuckle. “Happier than I’ve ever been in my life,” I admit, referring to far more than her eating. Getting to know this woman is going to be a learning curve. I wish we could skip forward to a time when the awkward is gone and we’re comfortable with each other. But that would mean missing out on some of the sweeter parts of the getting-to-know-you stage, and I don’t want to miss a single moment of that.
I let her eat in silence, though I finish before her. I have everything put away by the time she eats the last bite. “Are you going to leave while I practice?”
I come to her and turn her around in her seat so she’s facing me. I set my palms on the island on either side of her. “Yes, but I’ll be back soon. We’ll spend the evening together.”
She looks away. “And then what? Are you going to spend the night?”
“We can decide that later, but I’m not going to sleep with you if that’s what you’re asking.”
“Ever?” She shifts her gaze to mine.
I smile and move my hands to her hips. “I just meant tonight. We don’t have to rush that part. One thing at a time. Eventually, yes.”
She swallows. “Audrey told you, didn’t she?”
Now this is fucking awkward, but I won’t lie to her. “Yes.”
She groans. “How embarrassing.”
“Please don’t be embarrassed. I don’t want you to be.”
“I’m a twenty-five-year-old virgin. How the hell is that not embarrassing?” Her voice rises.
“You were choosy. That’s admirable.”
“Choosy? Zane, I’ve never dated anyone at all.”
“I guess it’s time to change that then. How about if we go on a date tonight instead of staying here? I’ll come back, pick you up like a regular boyfriend, and we’ll go out.”
She bites her lip.
I narrow my gaze, but I’m grinning. “You better not turn me down. You’ll hurt my feelings.”
“A date. You want to go on a date.” She sounds genuinely shocked.
“Yes. Lots of them. Millions.”
“Where are we going?”
“I’ll figure that out.”
“What should I wear?”
“A dress. Nothing fancy. Whatever you’re comfortable in.”
She hesitates and then nods. “Okay.” Her lips part again. “Just so I’m clear, this thing between us isn’t platonic, right? I mean you do intend to be more to me than a Daddy, right?”
“Definitely. I plan to be everything to you. But we don’t have to rush anything.” I don’t hesitate. I’m glad we cleared that up.
She chuckles. “Zane, this entire thing is at warp speed. Rush? Rush got left on the front porch when you stepped into the house. We’re moving at warp speed.”
I grin. “Eh. We’re just moving at whatever speed feels right for us.”