Page 12 of Accepting Love

“I like to think so.”

“Are you going back to the studio after lunch?” Audrey asks me.

“No. I’ll check in and make sure everything is running smoothly, but they don’t need me. I usually manage what needs to be handled from my home office. I’ll run by my place and pick up some things while she practices this afternoon. I want to spend time with her when she’s done playing.”

Audrey nods slowly. “Seems like you have a solid plan. Where are you going to sleep?”

I love how bold and direct she is, but I’m not going to discuss my sex life with this woman who will essentially be my mother-in-law. “I’ll figure that out with Carolina. I’m not going to pressure her to let me into her bed if that’s what you’re worried about.”

Audrey sets her mug down and steps closer. “I know you think you know her, and I have no doubt you do know her better than most people, but Kingston…” She swallows and licks her lips. Her gaze never wavers from mine. “She’s never been on a single date in her life.”

I stiffen for a fraction of a second and draw in a slow breath before nodding. “Thank you for telling me.”

Jesus. My God. My knees might give out. All I can think is that she’s mine and only mine, and I’m so fucking lucky. I’m also glad Audrey told me this detail. It means I need to be mindful. Take things slow. Very fucking slow.

“Why is it so quiet in here? What are you guys talking about?”

I twist around as Carolina steps into the kitchen and plaster on a smile. “Audrey was telling me what a great cook you are and how much you like to clean the house.”

Carolina’s expression is priceless. Her eyes go wide as saucers and her jaw drops as she glances from me to Audrey and back.

“He’s kidding, Caro,” Audrey says.

I chuckle. “I’m sorry. I couldn’t resist.”

She narrows her gaze at me, cocks out a hip, and crosses her arms. She’s adorable, but I struggle not to laugh since this is her Hannah. Sassy. “Are you making fun of me?”

I shove off the island and come to her, mostly because I need to touch her. She’s mine. I’m going to touch her often. She needs to get used to it. So does Audrey.

I watch her face as I pull her into my arms. Hers are still crossed and she’s giving me an evil glare that’s pure Hannah. I lean down to whisper in her ear. “Are you testing me, Little one?”

She gasps. “Don’t Daddy me in front of people.”

“Audrey is not people. I suspect she’s seen your Little side and known about it for much longer than you.”

“He’s right, Caro,” Audrey says as she pulls the fridge open. “Don’t mind me. I’ve been aware of your kink for a long time. I know you think you’ve done a good job hiding it, but you haven’t. It will take some adjusting on both our parts for an actual Daddy to be around, but we’ll all get used to it. A new normal.”

“Whose side are you on?” Carolina asks.

“Yours. Always. Forever. But that means I know what makes you tick. Would you like me to list those things out loud?”

Carolina shakes her head. “Don’t you dare.”

Audrey loads the island with sandwich fixings before glancing at her watch. “Oh, wow. Is it already twelve-thirty?” She scurries around the island and grabs her purse by the door. “I have an appointment at one. You two will have to fend for yourselves for lunch. I’ll be back in a few hours.”

It’s a struggle not to laugh as Audrey heads right out the door, shutting it definitively, leaving us in silence. I could kiss her.

But I’d rather kiss Carolina. I won’t though. Instead, I grab her around the waist, lift her off the floor, and set her on a stool at the island.

She squeals. “What are you doing?”

I round to the other side where Audrey dumped everything. “Making you lunch. Learning what you like.” I glance at everything. “Let me guess. Turkey. Cheddar. Mayo. Lettuce.”

She rolls her pretty eyes. “That’s not hard to surmise.”

It’s true. But I’m still grateful to Audrey for helping me out.

“I can make my own sandwiches,” she argues.