“You did? I thought you didn’t like soccer?”

She laughs. “Mom and Dad said I have to play for the rest of the season, but I kind of like it better now because we’re playing inside and it’s not as cold.”

I chuckle.

“And I stole the ball from a player too.”

“Man, I better watch out. You’ll be coming for my position soon.” I skirt past a man texting, walking straight ahead and not even looking up.

She laughs. “Is Calista with you?”

“No, I’m in Chicago now.”


“Maisie…” Mandi says in the background.

“Why can’t Calista be in Chicago?” Maisie asks.

I reach my building and nod at the doorman as he opens the door for me. Once I’m inside, I wait by the elevator, knowing my call will drop if I get on.

“Mais!” Mandi’s voice grows sterner.

“Calista lives in Lake Starlight.” I take the phone off speaker and bring it to my ear so anyone passing by doesn’t have to listen to my conversation.

“I thought you loved her?” Her innocent voice sounds so confused.

“Mais! Noah, she will not give me the phone.” Mandi’s in full panic mode.

“Maisie, give the phone to your mom.” I hear running and stomping on stairs before a door slams. “Maisie?”

“I locked them out.” She giggles.

I shake my head. “Why?”

“Because you sound sad.”

My chest warms at how sweet my niece is. “I’m not,” I lie. “It’s just me here, that’s why.” I look at the bag of orange chicken. It has promise.

“You’re lonely? I get that way sometimes cause it’s only me and all my cousins have brothers and sisters. They have people to play with and I only have me.”

I laugh. “I’m not lonely. You’ll find out when you’re an adult. Sometimes it’s nice to be by yourself.”

“All the time?” She sounds skeptical.

“I’m not alone all the time. I have friends.”


I hear her parents knocking on the door. “I don’t want you to get in trouble. You should probably unlock the door.”

“You love her, right?”

“Who? Calista?”


I can’t lie again to this little girl. “I do.”