Moments later, I still inside her as I come, lost in her eyes.

I brush her hair out of the way and kiss her, trying to convey everything I feel through it. Because I want her to remember us like this. Not as the couple who couldn’t get their shit together, but two people who loved one another so hard, they couldn’t stay away, but at the same time, couldn’t find a way to stay together.

When I’m soft, I slide out of her and get her a washcloth from the bathroom. Her eyes are already drifting closed when I return to clean her up. I want to beg her not to fall asleep so we can continue to share these final moments together, but it’s been a long day.

After I clean myself, I return and find her fast asleep on her side. I slide her under the sheets and sit in the chair across the room. After pouring myself a whiskey from the minibar, I turn off the lights and watch her sleep.

A few minutes later, she rolls over. When I’m not there, she looks around and finds me in the chair. “What are you doing over there?”

“Watching you.”

“Come warm me up.” She pats the side of the bed.

I sip my whiskey, carry the glass over with me, set it on the nightstand, and slide down next to her. She wraps my arms around her as if she’s afraid I’ll leave before she’s ready.

Morning comes too fast, and I get up, staring at her dark hair strewn across the pillow. I turn on the shower since my flight leaves in three hours. I scrub her off my body as if it’s a cleansing ritual and dry off with a towel before wrapping it around my waist.

She’s up, dressed, and checking her phone when I come out.

“You could’ve joined me,” I say.

She smiles, and it’s clear our time is up. The sun has risen, and that means there are no Rylan and Calista anymore. “I’m going to leave.”

“You can stay here. I have to leave for the airport anyway.”

She shakes her head. “I think I have to be the one who leaves first.” She walks over to me. Her hands land on my chest and she rises on her tiptoes and kisses me briefly. “Work on your footwork this off-season. You’re opening up too much and they’re getting a toe in. You used to be faster than anyone, but now you have the young ones coming after you. Remember to protect the ball.”

She kisses me once more. “Come home and visit your family. They miss you, and whether you believe it or not, they love you. I know you always thought because you were so much younger you didn’t have the same relationship with them as they had with each other, but they love you, Rylan. They want to be part of your life.” She kisses me again. “Last, you are way too good of a guy to not love someone. Open yourself up to it.”

When she rises on her tiptoes again, I grab her waist and keep her there. “I’ll only ever love you.”

She smiles, but it’s a sad smile. “One day you’ll meet someone, and I’ll be that girl you loved once upon a time.” She settles down on her feet. “I have to go.” She’s all business, putting her purse over her shoulder and grabbing her suitcase. “Bye, Rylan.”

She smiles, turns, and walks out of the room, leaving me standing speechless while my heart falls from the gaping wound in my chest onto the floor.



Calista left me in the hotel room a week ago. Now I’m back in Chicago, filming and shooting my endorsement deals and trying to get on with my life, which has felt pretty impossible.

I’m on my way back home when I notice a new Chinese restaurant that’s opened up on the corner across from my building. Deciding to try it, I stop in. It smells hopeful.

The employee comes to the register to take my order, and she doesn’t know who I am. Of course she doesn’t. Not because she doesn’t follow soccer but because she didn’t grow up in my cluster of small towns. While I was at home, I got used to waving, nodding, and saying hello to people as I passed by. Some said they were sorry I didn’t make it further in the playoffs. Others wished me luck next year. I always thought that was annoying in the past, people in my business when they didn’t need to be, but it didn’t feel quite the same this last visit.

“Orange chicken, and two egg rolls, please.”

The friendly lady writes down my order, cashes me out, and tells me it will be ready in ten minutes. I sit at their bar area and watch television while I wait.

Ironically, it’s a sports channel and they’re talking about my team. How we need some young blood and that I’m too slow. Exactly what Calista told me. I laugh, thinking about the fact I have all these coaches and they’re either too scared to tell me I’m getting to be the old man or they don’t see it.

I pull out my phone and open the Buzz Wheel app. I scroll through the last thirty days since that’s how long the posts stay up these days. I missed the one from the wedding night. Someone took a picture of us on the patio with the title “Looks Like Sunrise Bay Boy and Lake Starlight Good Girl Aren’t Going To Work Out” with a sad emoji. All the comments reflect on how they wish we could be together. Some asked what was keeping us apart and questioned whether we truly loved one another.

I close the app. Luckily, the woman comes out with my food. I thank her and cross the street back to my condo.

My cell phone rings, and I take it out, seeing Mandi’s name. I slide my finger over the screen and put it on speaker. “What’s up?”

“Uncle Rylan, I scored another goal!” Maisie shouts.