Why is she pressing me on this?

“And Aubrey is not happy about the bite mark.”

Finally, she gives me an out.

“Let me see.” I shift to get a better look at her.

We’re stopped at a red light, and she pulls her sweatshirt to the side. Sure enough, my mark is still visible on her. I shouldn’t love it like I do. I want to mark her again for any man to see, but since we’re not a real couple, I need to get myself in check.

“Don’t look like a proud puppy who went outside to go potty for the first time.” She shakes her head.

“Technically, the puppy and I are the same—just claiming what’s ours.” Jesus. So much for keeping myself in check.

A line forms at the bridge of her nose. “Remember, we’re just messing around. You’re going back to the city in a week.”

“Trust me, it hasn’t left my mind.”

I press on the gas to get to Sunrise Bay faster and out of the suffocating confines of this car with her.

She seems clueless as she busies herself on her phone. Has she really been able to push me into a box that she’ll seal up after I leave next week? I can picture her taping it up and shoving it into the back of her closet like a memory best forgotten. The note she left me so long ago might have said I’ll always have a piece of her heart, but she’s going to give away a larger portion to someone else one day. God, that’s fucking depressing.

We park in the lot with a plethora of minivans and SUVs.

“I guess when you have a family, you buy one of those, huh?” I point at one of the many minivans surrounding us.

She opens the door of the vehicle. “Not me. Never.”

“I’ve seen my siblings lose that battle. I’ll say they are comfortable.”

She quirks an eyebrow at me. “Are you getting domesticated on me, Greene?”

Maisie runs down the hill in her pink uniform. “Calista!” she screams and loses her footing, tumbling down the hill.

“Oh, Mais!” Calista rushes over to her.

Maisie is laughing when she lands. “I’m clumsy.”

“Everyone is. This is a steep hill.” Calista takes her hand, and they walk up the hill, me following.

Calista goes out to the field with Maisie. While they kick the ball back and forth, I watch from the sidelines. I forgot how much I loved watching Calista play. Her dedication, everything she poured out onto that field.

Jamison pats me on the shoulder. “How’d you do it?” He nods toward Calista.

“What are you doing here?” I ask.

He chuckles. “I’m recruiting for a girls’ team. Do you know any of them?”

I nod. “The goalie is a no. Definitely doesn’t want to play.”

“And that’s your niece with Calista?”

“Yeah, she got Calista out there again, not me.” I smile, watching them. Calista lets Maisie kick the ball between her legs.

“I have a feeling you had a little something to do with that too.”

I shrug. I’ve always wanted to be Calista’s savior, but I feel like I come up short.

The whistle blows, and Calista takes Maisie’s hands and whispers something. She hugs Maisie fiercely before she jogs over to us and hugs Jamison. “What are you doing here?”