Aubrey comes up, and since she’s not as tall as me, she has to step on the stool beside the mirror. “Calista doesn’t have a dog.” She looks at the spot and her mouth forms a thin line. “I’m gonna kill him.”

“It’ll be gone by the wedding,” I say.

“I don’t understand,” Alice says. “A dog bit your collarbone? But it’s so little.”

She puts on her glasses to get a look. Now I have three women hovering over my boobs. Fantastic.

I might just kill Rylan myself.

“Concealer will do the trick,” I say. “It’s not a big deal.”

“But it’s noticeable.” Aubrey shakes her head. “The two of you have the worst timing ever. I’m going to try on my dress.”

Ashlyn’s hands slide down my body. “Everything else looks good.” She waves to the side for me to exit.

I hurry and change so that I can go to Aubrey’s changing room without the grandmas listening in. I knock on the door, and she opens it.

“I can’t zip it up. Ashlyn said she’d be right back but my grandma called her over and who knows how long that will take.” She’s tugging, and I stop her before she does any damage.

“Here, let me.” I’m able to slowly get the zipper up. I look at her reflection and smile wide. She’s an effortlessly beautiful bride. “You look phenomenal. And I’m sorry. I promise it’ll be gone by the wedding, or I’ll cover it with makeup.”

She nods and a tear slips down her cheek. “Hey,” I say. “What’s the matter?”

She shakes her head. “I’m just scared for you.”

“I’m good. Don’t worry about me. This is your day.”

She turns around. “I told Declan last night that if Rylan hurts you, if when he leaves, you turn into that shell of a person you were when you first came home from Chicago, it’s all our fault because we threw you two together.”

“No.” I shake my head. “Not this time, Aubrey. It’s not gonna happen. I am the queen of compartmentalization now.”

Her perfectly plucked eyebrows arch, and I wipe a tear off her cheek with the sleeve of my sweatshirt.

“I’m serious. I’m gonna be fine.” I’m fairly sure I’m convincing her as much as myself. “Now, this is your day.” I wipe the rest of her tears. “Let’s have fun, okay?”

I open the door and wait for her to leave the changing room.

“You’re just stunning, sweetie.” Alice’s hands go to her mouth.

Jean comes around a line of dresses and her mouth opens with an O when she spots Aubrey. I sit on a chair and watch Ashlyn appraise Aubrey like she did me.

“Don’t worry, I don’t have any bite marks.” Aubrey smiles at me through the mirror and I’m thankful we can joke about it so soon.

“You know what?” Alice looks at Jean and then at me. “You should try on a wedding dress.”

I laugh. “Um… no.”

“Come on.” Alice takes my hand. “You don’t mind, do you, Ashlyn? In fact, Jean never got married. You too. Both of you try on dresses.”

“Oh, uh…” Ashlyn’s shoulders slump because she won’t tell Alice no.

“It’s fine. I have no idea what style I would even go with,” I say.

“Mermaid,” Aubrey and Ashlyn say at the same time.

“Okay, don’t think too hard about it.” I can’t help but chuckle.

Something comes over Ashlyn. “Actually, I’ve got just the one. I’ve been dying to see it on someone, and your body shape is perfect. Would you mind?” She clutches her hands under her chin.