She finally accepts it and I help her up from the floor.

“We deserve a break.” I guide her toward the backyard that I figure has to have a path down to the lake.

She slides on her shoes and grabs a sweatshirt. We walk out the door onto a wooden deck that needs to be redone. Some boards are missing, some eroded into the ground, and the trees are way overgrown. But if Dori was set on keeping this place secret, she wouldn’t have had anyone come to take care of it.

I gesture for her to step off the deck into the forest.

“It’s all wooded and I do not want to encounter a bear or a moose,” she says.

I lift an eyebrow in challenge. She huffs and rolls her eyes, but she walks toward the edge of the yard. I catch up, and soon I hear water from the lake lapping at the shore.

“I knew it,” I say, walking faster.

“Knew what?”

The brush is thick, and I open it up as wide as I can so no stray branches scratch Calista behind me.

“Thanks.” She walks through, and I follow her. “Oh my god!”

I step next to her, and sure enough, there’s the lake. There’s no dock here, but based on the water level, there could be. Scanning the area, we seem to be in an alcove of some sort.

“It’s so beautiful and peaceful.” She hugs herself.

“It is. Even more so once you clear it all out.” I turn around. All you can see is thick brush, not the cabin.

“Do you think I should? I mean, people will be more likely to find this place.”

I stuff my hands in my pockets. “Do you really want to just stay inside the whole time when you could see all this?” I wave my hands in front of me.

Her gaze tracks the movement of my arms. “I don’t know. I do know I wouldn’t want interruptions.”

“What is it you’re planning on doing here?”

She pokes me in the chest. “Now who’s thinking dirty?”

“I fully admit to having a dirty mind when it comes to you.” I wink.

She huffs in irritation. “You have to stop doing that.”

Before I can soak in more of the breathtaking view, she’s back on the path, returning to the cabin.

“I’m sorry, doing what?”

“Saying all that innuendo.” Her footsteps increase in speed, and so does mine.

“We’ve always played like that with one another.”

“We did. But there is no us anymore, Rylan.” She opens the back door, slips out of her shoes, and takes off her sweatshirt, leaving her in a crop top long-sleeve shirt that hangs just below her tits, giving me a glorious view of her abdomen before her leggings’ waistband.

“I know that.”

“Do you? Because…” She shakes her head and goes to the fridge, grabbing a bottle of water.

“You have water?”

“Yeah… I thought you bought it and snuck in here to make a point about me leaving the door unlocked, I just wasn’t giving you the satisfaction of mentioning it.” She downs half the bottle.

“I swear, I didn’t.”