From the angle of the picture of us leaving Wok For U, it wasn’t taken by David or Li.

Then there’re a ton of comments on the post under the question, “Are they or aren’t they?”

Some people say I’m holding out; others say he’s chasing me again. Everyone thinks they know something about us and our breakup, writing things they have no idea about. Someone even says that he came home to have me lick his wounds and give him an ego boost, to which someone responded, “Get a fucking life.” I smile, knowing it’s Rylan. He never could keep himself from commenting.

All they know is that we ate Chinese together.

Let’s hope they didn’t follow us. If you want to keep that cabin a secret, watch your rearview mirror.

Always so paranoid.

Have you ever come home to find some girl half-naked in your condo?

My fingers move to respond. Come on, Calista, think of something sharp-witted. But all I can imagine is what Rylan might have done with her. When I don’t respond, he comes back with another message, knowing me well.

I kicked her out. Jeez, Calista when will you ever give me the benefit of the doubt?

I pinch the bridge of my nose. It only took a string of four texts before we’re arguing again.

Another picture comes through. It’s Rylan in his shin guards and shorts, showing all the defined muscles in his thighs.

Last chance

I have better things to do, like take a shower. Heading to my apartment, so whenever you’re heading over just text me.


The four-letter word says more to me than it’s supposed to, I’m sure. Why does he want me to go to the gym with him? He’s a professional soccer player.

I gather the garbage and take inventory of what I’ll need when I’m here before packing my bag and heading to my apartment.

Downtown Lake Starlight is a buzz of activity for the fall fair. How did I forget this was coming up? I park along Main Street and walk up to my apartment that was once Aunt Juno and Uncle Kingston’s. Thankfully, Uncle Kingston kept it as an investment, so he gave me a great deal on the rent. Plus, it helps that my cousin Brinley moved in after her world was torn apart. We’re a great duo—a barrel of laughs, let me tell you.

I open the door and find Brinley on the couch, eating her oatmeal with fruit. She’s been away for a couple days for work, so it’s good to see her. She’s a creature of habit and so much like her mom, my aunt Savannah, that you’d think she was a clone. She’s watching the morning show, the steals and deals. Her habitual shopping trips have become more frequent as of late.

“Come! Check out these scarves. Cashmere.” She pats the spot beside her on the couch. I drop my bag on the kitchen table and join her on the couch.

She pulls her phone out of her back pocket. “I’m going to order us some. Should we get some for all the aunts? For Christmas?”

I must have a look on my face like she’s crazy.

“Yeah, we don’t exchange gifts like that. I just love them and they’re so cheap.” She waves me off. “Whatever, we only live once, right?” Her thumbs move across the screen, and she smiles when she’s done, stuffing her phone in the back pocket of her jeans.

I stand to go to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee.

“So… Buzz Wheel had some interesting news to report.” She follows me, rinses her bowl, and puts it in the dishwasher. She’s ten times the roommate Dion was.

I roll my eyes and walk past her.

“Hey! Cousin here.” She points at herself with her manicured nails. I examine mine. Shit, another thing to add to the list. “I deserve the details other people don’t get.”

I go to my bedroom, but she follows me again and lies down on my bed.

“We have to do this surprise slideshow for Aubrey and Declan’s wedding. Alice from Northern Lights asked me, and I couldn’t say no.”

Brinley’s eyes widen. “Do you think Great-Grandma gave them those directions?”

“What?” My forehead wrinkles.