I park in the driveway of the cabin. Calista’s head still leans against the seat, as it did most of the drive, her soft breaths making her chest rise and fall. I don’t move because I don’t want to. I soak in the scene in front of me. The girl who stole my heart when we were so young is sitting next to me after our roller coaster of a relationship and there’s nothing I can do to make her mine again.

Today was so fun, and I saw a glimpse of the Calista before her injury. Before the dream she spent her entire life trying to accomplish died, life spitting her out without giving her a second glance. Witnessing her despair was devastating and frightening for an athlete who was just as dedicated as her. One play in one game when you’re riding high can take you out.

I smile, remembering her on Skinny Rick’s back, sticking a vibrator in his mouth. If only things were different… but they aren’t. The reasons we broke up are still there. Nothing has changed, so it’s wrong of me to want her.

I climb out of my car as quietly as I can and walk to her side of the car. I unbuckle her and slowly bring the belt back before rummaging in her purse for the key to the cabin. Then I pick her up bride style, securing her in my hold as I shut the passenger door. She feels too light, and concern for her gnaws at my guts.

Using the key and holding her, I manage to open the door, then I place her on the couch once I’m inside.

As I round the old coffee table to set her down on the couch, I catch the corner with my foot and end up just kind of dumping her onto the couch.


Her voice is sleepy, and memories flood me from late games when I’d return to the condo. She always insisted I wake her up when I got in to let her know I’d returned. We had some incredible sex on those nights—some that lasted until morning.

“Get some sleep.” My hand reaches for her face, but I retract it before my knuckles brush across her cheek.


She can’t be serious. I’m barely holding on right now. All I want to do is pick her up and take her to the bedroom. But I know my answer before I even say it.

“Sure. Until you fall asleep again.” I lower myself into the chair adjacent to the couch.

Instead of falling back asleep, she sits up, the blanket falling to her lap. “I’m hungry. You?”

I chuckle and she laughs because I am.

“What’s funny?” she asks.

“That you were dead to the world two minutes ago and now you want to eat.”

She shrugs. “Wok For U?”

“Orange chicken?”

She nods. “And egg rolls.”

“I’ll go pick it up.” I didn’t bother stopping for pizza on the way home because she was sleeping, and I didn’t want to wake her.

“I’ll go with you.” She stands.

“All right, but don’t be surprised if we’re in Buzz Wheel tomorrow.”

Lake Starlight’s gossip blog that reports all the happenings of the townspeople went twenty-first century and is now an app. An app where people can vote on how they feel about whatever the gossip of the day is and where they can anonymously pass along pictures or tips. No one knows who’s behind it, or if they do, they aren’t talking.

“It’s late enough now. And everyone knows we’re in the wedding party and have been thrown together to do wedding tasks.”

We leave her cabin and I stop outside the door as she walks to my car. I clear my throat and her boots crunch the gravel as she turns. I shift my vision to the door.

“It’s Lake Starlight,” she says, stomping over to lock the door.

“And earlier tonight was Sunrise Bay. Practically identical small towns.”

She locks the door and doesn’t say I have a point, because getting a compliment from Calista is rare, but she doesn’t argue, so it’s pretty much the same thing as a compliment.

When we arrive in downtown Lake Starlight, I see that Calista is right. The town is void of people, but Li, the owner of Wok For U, is still working alongside his son, David, who I assume will take over the restaurant one day.

Calista and I walk in, and Li’s face lights up. I knew this was a bad idea. He rounds the counter and hugs her tightly. Li goes way back with the Baileys and is always razzing Calista’s dad, Rome, about who is the better chef.